Next Chen Tianshi's actions made Fang Fan even more dazed...

"You... take it easy."

Fang Fan's scalp numb for a while... This woman is not willing to come down on her body!

Winking like silk? She licked her tongue from time to time.

Fang Fan's scalp numb by the show.

In broad daylight, there is no one around...

Fang Fan took a breath, feeling a little short of breath inexplicably...

"This woman... is naturally so charming?"

"It's just that this Meigu has been hidden before, so I can't see it..."

"But my flogging just now should have completely opened her charm..."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and analyzed Tao from an objective perspective.

According to his analysis, the high probability should be like this, and the error in the middle is unlikely to be too large.

Fang Fan is a man, a man of great strength.

Can a normal man be tossed like this by a woman who is naturally charming?

Of course, in the Chutian Pavilion small world, if Fang Fan wants to, he can use the creation point to relieve his current state...

But the perseverance needed is too much...

Fang Fan's mouth twitched, and his body trembled unnaturally... His eyes gradually became bloody...

"You provoke me yourself!"

Fang Fan in turn pressed Chen Tianshi on the ground, showing a fierce look.

Two hours later...


Fang Fan lay a little tired on the stone beside him, taking a short rest.

At this moment, Chen Tianshi gradually recovered from the state of being born and charming.

Born to be charming is a good thing for some people, but it can also cause great trouble for some people!

Those female cultivators who specialize in fascination, if they are born with such a natural fascination, will get twice the result with half the effort in their practice, and they will naturally look very comfortable.

However, for female cultivators who do not practice melody, once the natural melody state is turned on, they will fall into an uncontrollable state.

Just now, Chen Tianshi left a sentence about the master and another sentence about the slave family. In fact, it was turned on because of the natural charming state.

However, after some venting at this moment, the state gradually adjusted back.

"You...cough...I don't need you to be responsible!"

Fang Fan held up his chest and said frankly.

Chen Tianshi's delicate body trembled...

This dog man...what did he say?

Be responsible for? You mean it's cheaper, princess? Is this princess still responsible for you?

"I don't need you to be responsible!"

Chen Tianshi said coldly, and she looked like a man with her tender and feminine appearance just now.

Fang Fan couldn't help sighing, a woman is really an emotional creature. The owner screamed happily one second before, and the next second he turned his face and didn't recognize anyone!

"So... Did you know it was wrong?"

Fang Fan instantly changed his face and directly lifted Chen Tianshi up. He had not forgotten the purpose of this trip.



Chen Tianshi was suddenly lifted up, frowning involuntarily, feeling sore all over her body.

Fang Fan didn't mean to pity and cherish jade just now, he really meant to die!

It was definitely a miracle that she was able to survive.


Fang Fan was a little embarrassed...It didn't matter if he slapped him at will.

But now, after all, something has happened, and it's impossible to say that he doesn't admit it at all.

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