The faces of the crowd of melon-eating people showed envy.

I thought Fang Fan would definitely die this time...

After all, the quasi-sage experts of the Chentian clan have already taken action!

But the final result surprised him again and again!

Is there such an operation?

Wound the princess of the Chentian clan first? Slap again? Follow-up operations wave after wave...

She even disappeared inexplicably for more than ten minutes. Although everyone has never seen what happened in the past ten minutes, the walking posture of the Chentian clan princess can also guess from the men's mink coat she is wearing. Some things come.

Shocking... is for sure!

Envy... is also normal.

This is the situation that so many men dream of! I said a lot about ethics, but in fact, I just want to...

There is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking and thinking.

People... Most of them are like this.

The white-robed old man Bai Yifeng trembled slightly...

He couldn't believe that this was from His Royal Highness Princess Poetry.

What an arrogant person the Royal Highness Princess Poem is... At this moment... he would say such a thing, who can stand it...

And... how can the princesses of the Chentian clan recruit a consort at will.

The white-robed old man looked at Fang Fan and Chen Tianshi for a few times. At this time, he suddenly paid attention to the black mink coat on Chen Tianshi...

"This mink coat must not belong to the princess..."

"Hi...If it's not for the princess... then... whose name is it..."

The white-robed old man secretly speculated in his heart, and his eyes instantly became extremely sharp.

He thought of a terrible possibility...

This may make him feel a tingling scalp.

"This...not true..."

The white-robed old man is still silently hypnotizing himself.

But he also knew that some things didn't happen because he didn't want to believe it.

The thought of the lord of the city being extremely angry when he learned of this, the old man in the white robe couldn't help but feel more headache.

"Princess Poetry, yes... is this **** kid bullying you!"

"You tell the old slave, the old slave will cut him off now!"

The white-robed old man gritted his teeth, as if he couldn't wait to eat the flesh and blood off Fang Fan now.

Being stared at by a quasi-sage powerhouse like this, Fang Fan still felt a little awkward.

"Grandpa Bai! Don't ask!"

"Anyway... this matter has nothing to do with him anyway!"

"I want it myself..."

"I forced him!"

After Chen Tianshi finished speaking, the whole face had completely turned red, as if he was drunk.


Chen Tianshi’s words are not very loud, but the people who eat melons have been listening attentively. At this moment, when they heard the news, each of them brightened and looked particularly excited...

"I wipe! I heard you right! What did the Princess of the Chentian clan just say? She said she took the initiative?"

"Hey... this Fang Fan big boss is not an ordinary cowboy! What kind of method did he use to make the princess of the Chentian clan so obedient in such a short period of time?"

"Hey! Jealous! Too jealous!"

"I rub... I want to worship the boss Fang Fan as a teacher, too 6!"

"Convinced! Really convinced! I don't know how to type 666..."

"Hahaha! Brother! You are not alone!"

"This big man Fang Fan still seems to come from the Solar System? This is a wave of heaven!"

"Long Yu Nine Heavens! The carp jumps over the Dragon Gate!"

"Become the consort of the Chentian clan, and the future is limitless!"

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