"Young Master! Help Young Master!"

Several guards flew over from a distance, quickly took out some pills and potions, and used them directly on Yu Chiting's body, barely holding his breath...

The scene seemed particularly panic at one time!

"Something happened! The young master of the Yuchi family was hit hard in the street..."

"I rub! Fang Fan is still so strong! Never let me down!"

"Too 6! Not convinced is really bad!"

"It's just... it's just that the Yuchi family probably won't let him go..."

"Hehe...what are they afraid of? Before, the princess of Lianchen Tianzu dared to toss casually, don't you really think that Fang Fan is afraid of who Yuchi clan?"

"It makes sense! But I heard that these people came from the solar system? The lower third-order galaxies are sure to be able to cultivate such awesome characters?"

"Hehe...you really believe what people say? Some things are not as simple as you think! Maybe this big boss Fang Fan comes from a big power, but has been low-key all the time?"

"Big power? How big? It can't be stronger than Chentian Clan, right?"

"Shhh...some things are bad, in case..."

"Look! Another group of city guards came over there!"

"No...that seems to be a private soldier of the Yuchi family..."

"Sigh... The Yuchi family openly used private soldiers... It seems that they want to kill the big Fang Fan!"

"Hey... in the entire Chentian City, apart from the Chentian Clan which can suppress the Yuchi Family, the other families are not their opponents at all..."

"It seems that this time Fang Fan is doomed to escape!"

"The one at the head... seems to be the guard leader of the Yuchi family, Wei Chi Zhan!"

"I'm going! Yuchi Zhan? It is said that it is a quasi-sage..."

"Even the quasi-saints have made a despicable tinkering. It seems that the Yuchi family has indeed been murderous!"


In the distance, a group of city guards rushed in orderly, headed by a middle-aged man in black armor.

"He who hurts my young master of the Weichi family, cut!"

The guard leader of the Yuchi family, Wei Chi Zhan, rose into the air, slashing out with a sword in his hand.

Fang Fan's expression changed, and the quasi-sage powerhouse was terrifying!

If he is really hit by this knife, he will undoubtedly die!

He can use the rule pistol to counterattack and kill, and even severely wound a six-star emperor...

But in front of a real quasi-sage powerhouse, Fang Fan could only choose to retreat.

The gap between each other is too big!

If you are not careful, you will lose everything!

"Yuchi Zhan! Stop it for the old man! This is the person that Her Royal Highness Princess Poem will protect! You have no right to do it!"

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly came from a distance, and a figure in white robe rushed over.

"It's the white robe chief! The white robe chief of Chentian City!"

"Is he trying to save Xia Fan?"

"It seems that the white robe manager mentioned Princess Poem just now? It seems that the rumors are true! This Fang Fan may really want to enter the Chentian Clan and become the Chentian Clan's horse!"

"I'm going! No wonder I dared to seriously hurt the young master of the Yuchi family in the street! It turns out that the Chentian clan is backing!"

Everyone looked envious.

Although everyone despises those who eat soft rice, if there is really soft rice placed in front of them, they will also say that they have a bad stomach and can only eat soft rice!

What's more, this is still the soft meal of the Chentian clan! The poetry princess of the Chentian clan is still so beautiful...

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