Fang Fan sighed secretly, and then began full operations.

"Use all diamond-level card drawing opportunities!"

Fang Fan gave a secret cry and then began to draw.

"Ding! King promotion card!"

"Ding! King-level healing card!"

"Ding! The king-level blank card!"

"Ding! The king-level blank card!"


It can be seen that the value of diamond-level cards is obviously much greater.

Although most of the cards drawn are some ordinary cards, they are at least king-level at first...

The king-level blank card, that is also the king-level...

Fang Fan complained to himself in his heart...

This wave, the wolf is gone!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a ten-star emperor rank legion card!"

Suddenly a system sound came from his ears, Fang Fan's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth showed shock...

It must be false to say not to be excited at all...

Ten-star Emperor-level Legion!

It was actually a ten-star emperor-level legion!

Fang Fan swallowed his saliva, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

"This wave of dog systems is so generous!"

Fang Fan was happy to himself, and he did not hesitate to praise the dog system!

From Fang Fan's point of view, this wave of blood earned!

"Ten-star Emperor Grade Legion Card...Use it!"

Fang Fan didn't hesitate to use it directly.

"Ding! Successful use! Ten-star Emperor Blood Shura Legion summoned successfully!"


As the system sound just fell, a crowd of Blood Shura dressed in red and blood knelt down in front of Fang Fan.

"Blood Shura Legion (evolvable

"Level: Ten-Star Emperor Level"

"Number: Seven"

"Commander: Luo Hu"

"Skills: Shura Slash, Shura Will, Shura Bloodline, Shura Unity!"

"Loyalty: One Hundred" (Dead loyalty) (Originally sixty, because the host has the Asura bloodline, this is the supreme bloodline of the Asura clan, and it is automatically promoted to the state of loyalty!)

"Luo Hui pays respects to the Lord!"

Luo Hu, the leader of the Blood Shura Legion, knelt down on one knee, and the scarlet stomachs on his body could not help but interact.

Fang Fan nodded secretly. He didn't expect his Asura bloodline could also increase the loyalty of the Blood Asura Legion, which Fang Fan had never thought of before!

"Ten-Star Emperor Level Legion!"

"This is the foundation of a foothold!"

"Asura Slash, Asura Will... and Asura Bloodline skills can all increase combat power one by one..."

"As for the last Shura Harmony skill... it seems a bit unique..."

Fang Fan immediately checked the attribute panel of the Blood Shura Legion.

"One of Shura: The exclusive skill of the Blood Shura Legion, seven powerful blood Shura are combined into the Shura King under the leadership of Luo Hu! The combat power is increased by two levels! The duration is 10 minutes, and the cooling time is 24 hours! No side effects. !"

Fang Fan's eyes suddenly condensed...

This skill is so strong!

Once the skill of [Asura Oneness] is used, it can directly synthesize the Asura King, and the Asura King’s combat power is actually increased by two levels on the basis of the original Blood Asura!

In other words, they are the ten-star emperor realm at this moment! But once this skill is used, isn't it possible to have quasi-jihad power directly?

Fang Fan's hands gradually clenched, and the sound of inhalation gradually increased.

"Although the duration can only last for ten minutes... and the cooling time is very long... but at a critical moment, this skill will be able to lead the counterattack of the situation!"

On the battlefield, the increase in combat power that the seven ten-star emperors can bring is far less than that of a true quasi-sage...

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