In the eyes of Yuchizhan, he could kill everything in front of him at will! This is his confidence alone!

It's just a pity that he is indeed overconfident...

Sometimes it’s not really what you want, but what you can really do...

After the seven blood Shura incarnations of the ten-star emperor realm became the real Shura kings, their bodies suddenly grew dozens of times!

At this moment, it is nearly a hundred meters high...The Shura knife in his hand has also become extremely strong!

At this moment, King Shura is mainly controlled by Luohu's will!

"Sura Slash!"

Luo Hui gave a soft sigh, and slashed the 100-meter Shura knife in his hand...

Yuchi Zhan's face was proud, and he directly swung his sword...




After a flash of lightning, everything in front of them made everyone tremble and fear from the bottom of their hearts...

Everyone imagined that King Shura, wearing a scarlet stomach, was killed by a single move...

And now?

King Shura, wearing a scarlet stomachache, still stood steadily on the spot, and the invincible quasi-sage of the Yuchi family, Yuchizhan, had already been defeated and retreated for dozens of miles!


Yu Chizhan, who fell on the ground, directly vomited an inverse blood, and his body trembled frantically.

His complexion suddenly became extremely difficult to look...

I want to lift my right hand, but I find that there are waves of powerlessness...

The whole person is in a state of madness and explosion...

"How... how is it possible!"

"No! This is not true! Impossible! Impossible!"

"There must be something wrong! Yes! There is a problem!"

Chi Ting, the second captain of the Yuchi family who was watching the battle, let out a roar.

How could his road of revenge be so difficult!

Why can this Fang Fan get rid of his control time and time again! He is not reconciled! He wants revenge! He wants to kill! He wants to destroy everything in front of him!

"Yuchi Zhan! You trash! Are you a quasi saint? Go! Go to this young master!"

"Aren't you bragging about how powerful you are on weekdays? What's going on now? Cosmic? Abandoned? Spicy chicken! Crap! You are the most crappy quasi-sage the young master has ever seen!

"What qualifications do you have to continue to serve as the commander of the private army of the Yuchi clan? Why don't you die! You go to self-employment!"

Yu Chiting made a series of slurs, and the slurred private army leader of the Yuchi family, Wei Chizhan, looked ugly!


A loud slap came up, everyone only saw an afterimage flashing past...


"The leader of Yuchi Zhan is also something you can abuse at will?"

"Go back to me!"

The visitor was a middle-aged man with a wealthy appearance. He had a strong sense of majesty when he spoke.

"Hi... yes... yes... it's Vice City Lord Yuchiwei..."

"Yuchiwei? The first deputy city lord of Chentian city! The first commander of the city guard of Chentian city! Chi Wei, the chief of the Yuchi family?"

"It's...this one..."

"I'll wipe it! This is a real boss-level task... Huh... actually blasted him out!"

"This is too strong! Mad... so exciting!"

"What do you think this man is doing here? Is it to find a place for his son?"

"Hey... it is beyond my expectation that the blood-clothed guards under the Fang Fan meeting can resist a low-level quasi-sage... It is absolutely impossible to fight against the Patriarch of the Yuchi family!"

"The gap... is too big!"

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