Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 1075: You're pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger

This is too embarrassing!

Why did you tell what was in your heart! And... and still in front of this man...

Chen Tianshi felt that she didn't have to live...

Immediately, he glanced directly over his head, not looking at Fang Fan's gaze.


Chen Tianshi turned his head and cursed silently.

Fang Fan feels very innocent... Is this... lying down a gun?

In the high sky, Chen Tianyuan, the lord of Chentian City, saw his two daughters and Fang Fan so close, his face turned black...

"Your kid is Fang Fan?"

"From the Imperial Palace of the Yaori Galaxy? The master of the eighth rank?"

"I came to Chentian City this time to participate in the battle of the 7-Rank power assessment?"

Chen Tianyuan couldn't help it in the end, and flew directly in front of Fang Fan, and then pulled the two daughters over.

Let them stay together again, still don’t know what will happen...

Chen Tianyuan sighed secretly...My cabbage must not be picked up by pigs...

It can be seen that Chen Tianyuan still quite understands Fang Fan.

Some details are also clear.

"Yes, City Lord Chentian!"

Fang Fan nodded, this was originally a fact!

A strange color flashed in Chen Tianyuan's eyes...

Fang Fan was actually neither humble nor arrogant in front of him, and there was no panic on his face.

I don't know if it is a big heart... or is it because he really doesn't care about his identity as the leader of the third rank power?

Chen Tianyuan's gaze scanned the Blood Shura Legion behind Fang Fan, the different colors in his eyes became more and more obvious...

At this moment, because it is the ten-minute effective time of the Legion’s exclusive skill [Asura Unity], at this moment, the seven blood Asuras are broken down...

Chen Tianyuan thought secretly: "From a normal point of view, the cultivation level of these seven cultivators wearing blood clothes is also the ten-star emperor realm... but I don’t know what kind of secret technique was used, and they can actually achieve the cultivation level in a short time. Soaring directly to the intermediate quasi-sacred realm..."

"This secret technique is unheard of..."

"According to this trend... if the cultivation bases of these seven blood-clothed practitioners are all promoted to a middle-level quasi-sage or even a high-level quasi-sacred realm... Then what kind of combat power can they increase to after using this secret technique... "

Chen Tianyuan's eyes lit up, and if it were calculated like this, the value of this secret method would be unpredictable!

"But it seems that the use of this secret technique seems to have many limitations..."

Chen Tianyuan shook his head, then turned his mind back, and continued to look at Fang Fan...

"According to the cultivators you have under your command, it is more than enough to build a fifth-grade power. Are you sure you are here to compete for the seventh-grade power?"

Chen Tianyuan opened his mouth, his face was full of surprise...

From his perspective, it also feels a little too strange.

Not only does this Chentian City Lord have such questions, everyone also does the same...

They are all big guys of this level, what are you pretending to be new...

Among the crowd at this moment, the young master of the Senluo tribe, Senluo Xiaotian, the top 6-rank force, is already a frightened bird at this moment...

"If I had known that you still have the guardian of the ten-star emperor...how could I provoke you..."

"Even if you slap me in the face, I have to kowtow to you..."

Sun Luo Xiaotian swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He felt that he really witnessed countless stimuli today...

Fang Fan is so strong that he doesn't even have the courage to retaliate.

Not to mention that he is a young master of the top six powers, even if his father, the Patriarch of the Senluo clan, the top six powers, comes, he will only be hanged!

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