No matter how gentle, the daughter will run away with them!

Chen Tianshi walked back helplessly, while walking back, and looking back in Fang Fan's direction step by step...

A fool can see that there is something tricky in it!

Chen Tianshi went back, Chen Tianshan still holding Fang Fan's arm, and Brother Fan in front of Brother Fan called back...

The black line on Chen Tianyuan's forehead has never been broken!

How could his two daughters, whom the Chentian Clan has worked so hard to train, become like this!

Helpless! Sad reminder!

In the end, Chen Tianshan was taken back by Chen Tianyuan expressionlessly, and Fang Fan and others were also led by Liao Ping, head of the First Army Corps of the City Guard of Chentian City, before arriving at a hotel...

At the same time, Bai Yifeng, the white-robed general manager of Chentian City's City Lord's Mansion, also escorted him.

Although he felt that there was no need for **** at all, this was a task ordered by the two princesses, and he could not strike out!

"Hall Master Fang Fan, this can be regarded as the best hotel in our Chentian City. You should go to rest and rest first. If there is anything, you can always inform me."

Liao Ping's face was bitter, he was too difficult!

Now that he is entangled with Fang Fan, he has always been frightened.

The people in the City Lord’s Mansion asked him to assist Fang Fan in completing related affairs...

But Master Yuchiwei had never issued any orders from there.

Liao Ping naturally did not dare to violate the orders of the City Lord's Mansion, so he had no choice but to obey.

But on the side of the Yuchi family, Young Master Yuchiting was beaten half-crippled, and as he was now, it was almost half cold.

Although Wei Chi Wei, the head of the Yuchi family, never blamed Fang Fan in person, and even apologized to Fang Fan, but fools can see the trickiness...

This is clearly a slow-down strategy!

At that time, Lord City Lord was there, he couldn't cut the quasi-husband of the Chentian clan in front of Lord City Lord, right?

If you change your status on another occasion, see if the Yuchiwei Patriarch of the Yuchi clan will be so reasonable!

Liao Ping sighed secretly, life is too sad!

Can only proceed in silence.

"Thank you!"

Fang Fan nodded to Liao Ping, and then led everyone to the hotel.

The scale of this hotel appears to be quite large, occupying almost half of the street. This level of hotel can easily accommodate thousands of customers.

Fang Fan's nine legions plus a group of heroes...Almost a hundred people.

Ten people from Ziling Palace...

Ten people from Chasing Soul Pavilion...

Dozens of people in the Motian Pavilion...

Plus dozens of people taught by the Big Dipper.

The total number of people together is almost 300 people.

As for the favorites of Ao Guang, Fang Fan asked them to shrink and carry them around.

"Boss, give us one hundred and fifty rooms!"

Fang Fan spoke directly. They shared a room, but they were almost the same.

"One hundred and fifty rooms..."

"This customer, we only have a hundred rooms here, take a look..."

An apologetic expression appeared on the boss's face.

"But we all have that kind of big rooms here, and it's absolutely no problem for three to five hundred people!"

The innkeeper said with a package ticket.

"Well...then open it all!"

Fang Fan nodded. While going out, some inconveniences were completely normal, and Fang Fan could understand.

"Wait! These rooms are ours!"

Suddenly walked into a group of young people wearing moiré robes, each of them carved an upside down long sword on their moiré robes.

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