Fang Fan sighed secretly, it's still a good deal for ordinary people or **** pets to use this low-profile rule comprehension card...

It would be too bad for him...


Fang Fan waved his hand and threw out 800,000 low-profile rule comprehension cards directly, looking magnificent.

Sometimes we have to show this invincible posture!

We have to let everyone see what a real powerhouse is!

"Ding! Four nine-star true king-level battle pets have been promoted to the ultimate true king-level at the expense of 800,000 low-profile rules comprehension cards!"

There was a system upgrade sound in his ears, Fang Fan nodded secretly, this matter is over, everything is over!

At this time, the four great **** pets have realized the power of the two laws.

"Well...Anyway, the power of their understanding of the law is relatively simple, and they don't consume a lot of cards, so it's better to... continue to promote them!"

Fang Fan waved his hand...

"Continue to comprehend the power of the law!"

"Continue to use the Law Comprehension Card!"

Ten minutes later.

"Ding! At the expense of 8 million low-profile version rules comprehension cards, four two-rules absolutely true king level battle pets have been promoted to three-rules absolute true king level..."

This wave consumes 8 million low-profile rule comprehension cards, so converted, it is 80 billion lower-grade **** crystals...

Fang Fan naturally has no huge wealth of more than two thousand trillion **** crystals at this moment, but he hasn't put it in his eyes...

Fang Fan took a cursory look, and there were almost three to four trillion lower-grade **** crystals in his hand.

"carry on!"

"Ding! At the expense of 80 million low-profile rule comprehension cards, four three-rules absolutely true king-level battle pets have been promoted to four-rules absolute true king-level..."

Eighty million low-profile version of the law comprehension cards, priced at 800 billion **** crystals... still able to hold it!

carry on……

At a cost of eight trillion crystals, four battle pets are promoted to five rules!

carry on……

At a cost of 80 trillion crystals, four battle pets are promoted to the six laws...

At this time, although Fang Fan still had two to three trillion lower-grade **** crystals in his hands, it was obviously not enough to support the four **** pets under his command to continue to comprehend the power of the law...

"The key choice is to promote Xiao Jinlong Ao Guang!"

Fang Fan made the decision again.

From the overall situation, Xiao Jinlong Ao Guang's combat power is the strongest!

Because of the bonus of the true dragon bloodline, it can often have extraordinary effects.

Fang Fan thought to himself, and a smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Little Golden Dragon, continue to promote!"

"Ding! Consuming 20 billion low-profile version of the rule comprehension cards, the battle pet Golden Dragon successfully promoted from the six rules of absolute true king state to the seven rules of absolute true king state!"

This should be regarded as the power of law Fang Fan has seen the most...

After all, even he himself only comprehended the five rules.

Speaking of which, Fang Fan is quite jealous of this little golden dragon. They comprehend the power of the law so simple, it is even more difficult for him to comprehend a law!

"Thank you Lord!"

A group of **** pets felt the changes in their combat power, and smiles could not help appearing on their faces, looking very excited.

This excitement naturally comes from the heart.

The comprehension of the power of the law is even more difficult for ordinary cultivators, and it is actually not easy for a pet like Xiao Jinlong.

If it weren't for Fang Fan to open the door to them, they wanted to understand six or even seven rules, which is basically an impossible event.

"Not bad."

"Ao Guang, you can use this imperial battle pet experience card!"

Fang Fan directly delivered the experience card over, and he was also a little curious as to what level this imperial battle pet experience card can upgrade a battle pet to...

For this, Fang Fan is still looking forward to it.

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