
Little Golden Dragon roared again, but listening to this sound is a very comfortable rush to the horse?

"Dragon creatures are actually the cheapest when crossing the catastrophe, especially the thunder catastrophe..."

"Many true dragons are immune to most of the thunder tribulation..."

Chen Tianshi commented on the side while showing envy.

After Chen Tianshi finished speaking, Chen Tianshan on the side also said, "It seems to be so! I remember that the flesh and blood of my sister was exploded when she was crossing the emperor's catastrophe! It's miserable!"

Chen Tianshan squinted his head, with a look of fear on his face, as if the picture was terrifying.

"The emperor's catastrophe? Princess Chentianshi, have you survived the emperor's catastrophe?"

Zi Ling's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Chen Tianshi in amazement, with a look of astonishment on her face.

"Well, it's just the worst five rules of the Emperor's Tribulation, it's nothing..."

Chen Tianshi said this modestly, but everyone could see the arrogance on his face.

As long as it is the emperor's catastrophe, no matter what level it is, it is the exclusive of genius.

Zi Ling and Yun Yun each showed envy on their faces, but Fang Fan on the side nodded in approval and said:

"Well, it's really good."

Fang Fan's sentence just now was absolutely unintentional...

He didn't even think about anyone, he just simply said something like this...

The reason for saying this is mainly based on a few gods...

At this moment, the four gods under his command, except for the Little Golden Dragon, which is the ultimate true king of the Seven Laws, the three-headed dog of hell, the dark night unicorn, and Kunpeng are all the true kings of the Six Laws...

From this point of view, it is normal to say that the Emperor Realm that the Five Rules has broken through by the true king is nothing.

It's just that Fang Fan's unintentional mistake was met with blank eyes...

Zi Ling said speechlessly: "You really think the Five Rules are so easy to comprehend! If there is a little golden dragon to save you face, just smile!"

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. At this moment, Chen Tianshi's complexion couldn't help but turn red...

Before, it was because of shyness, but this time because of shyness...

How can this **** say that!

Immediately, Chen Tianshi's eyes stared at Fang Fan.

Fang Fan opened his mouth, feeling that he was too wronged...

Are women so poor nowadays?

The scene seemed a bit awkward for a while.


Fortunately, at this moment, Xiao Jinlong’s second sky thunder has arrived...

This time the little golden dragon simply rushed directly at the **** thunder...


The thunder bursts, the sky is rolling!

The voice is extremely loud! There is a feeling of destroying the world.

"This divine thunder already has the strength of a general one-star emperor realm powerhouse with a full blow..."

"How could this emperor's robbery be so strong..."

Chen Tianshi didn't care to stare at Fang Fan at this moment, but frowned unexpectedly...

After all, she had experienced the emperor's catastrophe, so her words were very convincing.

"Strong? Is this strong?"

Fang Fan said calmly.

Chen Tianshi rolled his eyes, and the second sky thunder had already reached the strength of a one-star emperor realm powerhouse with a full blow. Isn't that strong?

This is already strong enough!

After all, before the emperor had successfully passed the catastrophe, he was still in the true king state!

With the body of the absolute true king realm, resist a one-star emperor realm powerhouse with all your strength... ordinary people simply can't do it!

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