Fang Fan at the moment is no longer as easy as he started.

The fourth way of heaven, the strength of the five-star emperor class... already has a certain degree of difficulty.

All other things are nonsense, meaningless and worthless. Right now, they are the most sincere!

Although the little golden dragon can resist part of the power of the sky thunder, the five-star emperor level cancels part of that is also very strong.



The fourth sky thunder blasted down, and for the first time blood stains appeared on Little Golden Dragon's body, and the golden blood stains fell from the sky like a golden rain.


Little Jinlong roared, and the physical injury made it feel a little pain.

"Don't be stingy with using the King Class Healing Card!"

Fang Fan spoke directly to Xiao Jinlong, with a nervous look on his face.

This is only the fourth sky thunder, and there are several others behind, one is better than one!

"Roar! Ooo..."

Little Jinlong whimpered twice in Fang Fan's direction, seeming a bit wronged...

"Fang Fan, Xiao Jinlong was acting like a baby to you just now?"

Zi Ling said in surprise.

Fang Fan shrugged. Is it the point to act like a baby?

Seeing the nervous look on Fang Fan’s face, Chen Tianshi on the side couldn’t help but walk over to comfort him: "They have already passed the fourth sky thunder. Generally speaking, the Five Laws, the absolute true king, has been promoted to the emperor's realm. The emperor’s catastrophe encountered is the five gods of thunder!"

"Little Golden Dragon has now successfully survived the four divine thunders, but he has not suffered much injury. This time, he should be stable!"

Chen Tianshi said with deep conviction that this is indeed a general situation analysis.

The general emperor's catastrophe is also five heavenly thunder.

But Little Golden Dragon... not just five heavenly thunders...

Just as Fang Fan was thinking about it, the fifth heavenly thunder was brewing!

"Seven-star emperor-level strength! This sky is thunder! It's going against the sky!"

"How do I feel that thunder came to vent my anger this day? The kind that doesn't stop smashing this golden dragon to death?"

"I, Cao... I have this feeling for Mao, what's the situation..."

"Who can understand the situation... Anyway, it is outrageous!"

"Huh... the scalp is tingling! That's it... that's it, I'm getting a feather!"

"Seven-star emperor-level sky thunder, smashing a six-star emperor to death is enough, what kind of evil is that little golden dragon!"

"According to normal circumstances, this should be the last wave, but I don't know if this Golden Dragon can survive the last wave..."

"According to the current situation... it seems to be a bit difficult, but this kind of thing... is not good, this golden dragon dared to swallow the sky thunder before, maybe it does have its power!"

"Hey... I can only think about it now, and other... I can't do it!"

"No... don't you feel that this situation is outrageous? The general five rules, the absolute king, is the last sky thunder when crossing the emperor's catastrophe, which is also the three-star emperor level. How come here, become so strong? I? Still can't understand..."

"Hey... I can't understand it! Just wait and see, and see what the final result is... If this golden dragon survives such an intense catastrophe, it will definitely become a legend!"

"Hehe... Then you have to survive first! To say that these are worthless before you have survived!"

Tian Lei roared again, seeming to want to kill all the existence that dared to disobey it!

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