Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 1098: Fight against the nine heavens together

No one thought Little Golden Dragon could survive this terrifying thunder.

Including everyone around Fang Fan was also worried at the moment.

"Brother Fang Fan, Xiao Jinlong will be fine, right?"

"Little Golden Dragon is so cute, surely nothing will happen!"

Chen Tianshan nodded firmly and said.

Yun Xiaoxiao on the side could not help but squeeze Fang Fan's arm tightly.

It has not been a few days since Chen Tianshan and Xiao Jinlong knew each other, but Yun Xiaoxiao and Xiao Jinlong stayed for a long time at one time, and they naturally have friendship with each other.

Xiao Jinlong dismissed the others, but took a high look at Yun Xiaoxiao.

Generally, Yun Xiaoxiao would appear very docile if he rides on him.

"Brother Fan, the bad guys deliberately targeted Xiao Jinlong!"

Yun Xiaoxiao said suddenly, with a firm expression in his words.

Fang Fan was taken aback. Fang Fan believed Yun Xiaoxiao's words.

Others naturally can't see the supreme existence above the nine heavens, but Xiaoxiao is a unique spirit body that kills the gods. It is born with a strong affinity for spiritual energy, but is extremely repulsive to the breath of the gods.

Are the bad guys Xiaoxiao talking about the gods? Or is it an existence that carries divine power?

Fang Fan knew nothing about this! At this moment, Fang Fan felt a bit at a loss inexplicably, and even a sense of powerlessness.

Even if it is confirmed that there is a so-called **** in the nine heavens who is controlling the sky thunder against the little golden dragon, what about it? He can't do anything at this moment...

Neither can resist the supreme thunder power for the little Golden Dragon! Not to mention directly beheading the so-called gods...

All we can do is to stay here indifferently and continue to bear this feeling of powerlessness...

Fang Fan's fists couldn't help being clenched tightly, and a sense of desire for powerful strength regenerated from Fang Fan's heart.

"Little Golden Dragon! Hold on!"

"We grow together...together strong...together to fight against the nine heavens!"

"Whoever targets you, I will kill them one by one!"

"It's the same whether it's a **** or a ghost!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, an explosive aura burst out from his body by the way, and wisps of spiritual energy madly gathered towards Fang Fan...

A minute later, the corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly...

"Under such extreme circumstances, I actually realized a new law..."

"The law of violent warfare! With a violent heart, fight the gods!"


"This is the power of my sixth law!"

Fang Fan thought to himself.

At this moment, Zi Ling and others cast a surprised look at Fang Fan.

"You... broke through?"

Zi Ling glared at Fang Fan, as if looking at some freak...

It is not an exaggeration to say that Fang Fan is a freak, because the facts have proved that it is true!

From the solar galaxy to the Chentian star field, the total seems to be less than half a month. How many laws have you comprehended?

Are geniuses so headstrong?

"It's just a new rule..."

Fang Fan replied casually, and then focused his eyes on Xiao Jinlong again. For Fang Fan at this moment, he would rather use all the laws in his body to exchange for Xiao Jinlong's safety...

In just words, the sixth sky thunder condensed in the sky came!

It still looks bursting and terrible!

The sixth heavenly thunder of the nine-star emperor class, with an unparalleled pressure, rushed towards him frantically, seeming to tear everything in front of him! End everything in front of you!

Invincible! Fight to victory!

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