In the small world of Chutian Pavilion, the creatures of all races pray for heaven and bow down! Fang Fan’s power of faith soared again...

"I have introduced nearly half of the sky thunder into the Chutian Pavilion small world... and now the weakened version of the seventh sky thunder is finally about to fall..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

All eyes are watching, the sky thunder gathers! There is a palpitating feeling.



"Come on! Tianlei!"

The little golden dragon rushed forward and directly collided with the sky thunder.




Even the weakened version of the seventh heavenly thunder has energy beyond the ten-star emperor level...

Xiao Jinlong's body became scorched again under the attack of the sky thunder, and strands of golden blood were also flowing out crazily...

The roar of the little golden dragon became weaker and weaker. At the same time, the little golden dragon's body began to fall from the air...


On the ground, a bigger and deeper ditch appeared again...

This time, the golden blood flowing out of the little golden dragon was even more.

In the ditch, the little golden dragon was motionless, looking very silent.


"Golden Dragon hasn't moved..."

"This... this won't be hacked to death, right?"

"Hey... after all... haven't you defeated this heaven?"

"It's a pity...but it's also expected. If you can get through it so easily, it's not normal!"

"The big boss Fang Fan also specially split some sky thunders for him, but still..."

"No...No! It moved! It moved! That golden dragon moved!"


I don't know who screamed in surprise, gathering everyone's attention here.

But the Golden Dragon moved a little on the ground, it is indeed true!

Standing in the distance, Fang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, his face showing relief.

This wave is too thrilling!

Fortunately, the final result seems pretty good.

Through the seven thunder catastrophes! Even if the little golden dragon successfully survived the emperor's catastrophe!

Whoosh whoosh...

Suddenly flashes of white light in the sky...

The white light condensed into drops of liquid, and then crazily landed towards the position of the little golden dragon! ,

"Plumbing rain! It's finally here!"

"This golden dragon has survived the Seven Laws of the Lord's catastrophe!"

"Another peerless genius in Chentian Starfield!"

"Hi... horrible! Don't be too strong!"

"After this wave of rain falls, according to the rules, this golden dragon will be able to directly be promoted from the True King Realm to the Seven Star Emperor Realm!"

"Hey... I'm so envious! I want this too!"

"You? What else do you want? Do you think you can have someone to criticize?"

"Wipe! What do you mean! I can't figure it out yet?"

"Stop arguing! The cultivation base of that little golden dragon has started to skyrocket!"


The raindrops condensed with white light hit the little golden dragon, washing away the blood stains on the little golden dragon...

Immediately, Xiao Jinlong began to flash with dazzling light!

The light is getting better and better! It seems to want to cover everything in front of me!

"One Star Emperor!"

"Breakthrough to the one-star emperor realm!"

"Two-star emperor..."


"Six-Star Emperor!"

"Seven Star Emperor!"

"Too strong! As expected, he was directly promoted to the Seven-Star Emperor Realm! And the white light in the sky just disappeared!"

"Seven-star emperor! From the absolute king to the seven-star emperor, there are seven levels! How many people cannot break through for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years..."

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