Tian Ruhai's breathing stagnated...

More than ten?

This...this...this is a great surprise!

"More than ten... Is it possible for your Excellency Fang Fan to have twenty?"

Tian Ruhai clenched his fists slightly, the excitement on his face seemed very real.

Fang Fan smiled and shook his head again. In fact, he can take out as much as he wants, as long as the number is enough...

It's just that Fang Fan is thinking about how much is appropriate.

According to the task of the [auction system] of the system, Fang Fan needs to sell 10,000 cards, and the net profit must be more than one trillion Supreme Crystal...

"More than twenty? Could it be...could it be that there are hundreds of them?"

Tian Ruhai now doesn't dare to look down upon Fang Fan at all. What kind of small business is this! If there are really a hundred cards with magical effects as support, then this auction will become the most valuable auction of the Chentian City Tianyu Chamber of Commerce!

Not only will it be able to help the Tianyu Chamber of Commerce make a wave of prestige, but these are all achievements!

Once these performances reach the target, the benefits that can be obtained will be endless!

Thinking like this in his heart, Tian Ruhai's eyes couldn't help but become brighter.

"Hehe... Can President Tian diverge your imagination a little bit... Don't be so restrictive."

Fang Fan deliberately sold a key, and he had to pretend to be the last! You have to make others think you are unfathomable...

"Divergence imagination?"

"Your Excellency Fang Fan meant... there are more? There will never be more than a hundred? A thousand?"

Tian Ruhai clenched his fists and swallowed subconsciously.

"Ten thousand!"

Fang Fan directly said the number in his heart.

"Ten thousand? Are all such valuable cards?"


Tian Ruhai thinks that he has seen the world, but now he can't help but breathe quickly, and his complexion gradually turns flush...

"The effects are similar...but I am going to sell two grades of this card!"

"One is the Emperor Grade Healing Card, which can instantly heal all the injuries on the imperial realm cultivator!"

"The other is the Quasi-Holy Grade Healing Card, which is the one you just used!"

"The demand for the previous royal-level healing cards should be relatively large. I have prepared nine thousand! As for the quasi-sage-level healing cards, although precious, there are so many quasi-sage-powerfuls in the Chentian Star Territory... so I prepare A thousand copies!"

Fang Fan said his plan frankly.

Tian Ruhai also gradually recovered from the state of shock, and nodded secretly.

Fang Fan's gaze was still very sharp. In places like the Chentian Star Region, the Quasi-Holy Grade Healing Card would not be consumed very quickly. Those who could be eligible to buy it were the cultivators.

"Your Excellency Fang Fan, actually... if you can give us some time to advertise, the price you can sell for the precious cards in your hand will be even higher!"

"There will even be more cultivators from other star regions coming to buy..."

"If you believe us, we can hold a special card auction conference for your cards, and auctioneers from all walks of life will definitely be in an endless stream..."

Tian Ruhai clenched his fists, looking a little excited and excited.

If this wave is done well, maybe he can directly jump out of the Chentian Starfield Cosmos Chamber of Commerce with this performance, and have a better development!

The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was before him, and he naturally did not want to give up.

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