The auction officially begins!

No matter how beautiful the auctioneer Mengjie is, it can only cause a sensation. If there is no good auction item afterwards, everyone at the auction site will still curse his mother directly.

You must know that if you want to enter the auction here, in addition to those who are indeed distinguished, many people need to pay the threshold fee of 10 million Supreme God Crystal!

Ten million top-grade **** crystals, converted into lower-grade **** crystals, would be ten trillion lower-grade **** crystals!

This number is not available to ordinary people!

Fang Fan sighed secretly, if this kind of brand was played, the benefits would be too much!

Open an auction casually, not to mention the rake on those precious auction items, the threshold fee alone is an extremely considerable income.

"Let’s start the first auction item of Soul Eclipse Sky Armor!"

"This is a precious armor stomach of the ten-star emperor level! Wearing it on the body with a little spiritual power can resist the full blow of a cultivator below the ten-star emperor!"

"Okay! The following soul-eclipsing sky armor is up for auction! The starting price is 100 billion Supreme Crystals! Each increase must not be less than 10 billion Supreme Crystals!"

Just playing is a ten-star emperor class stomach!

I have to say that there is still style!

Once the auction price was sold out, there was a series of bidding sounds, and everyone's emotions also seemed particularly high!

Ten-star emperor grade armor stomach, that is even more precious than weapons of the same grade!

"This auction... is really high-end."

Fang Fan subconsciously sighed, not to mention anything else, the price alone is not affordable for ordinary people.

"Generally, the ten-star emperor with richer net worth only possesses the assets of hundreds of billions of superb crystals... but it seems that even a ten-star emperor-level imperial weapon can't be bought!"

Fang Fan sighed leisurely, no matter where, resources and wealth are controlled by a few people. If you want to have endless resources for cultivation, you can only become stronger!

"A general ten-star imperial weapon is worth at least 500 billion Supreme God Crystals!"

"And this is a stomach...the value is even higher! Generally, it is not surprising that 800 billion crystals are sold!"

Chen Tianshi obviously understands prices, so he explained.

"Hehe, the market price of the ten-star emperor Jiawei with a market price of 800 billion **** crystals is only 100 billion yuan..."

"This is to arouse the bidding heart of many cultivators!"

"Although this routine is very common, I have to say it is very versatile!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

Because of the huge profit margins, those bidders will feel that they are profitable, and naturally they will bid wildly!

If the final bid is successful, the benefits will also be exciting.

And the fact is just as Fang Fan guessed, when this ten-star emperor's soul-eclipsing sky armor was taken to the auction stage, the wave of auction followed!

"I have produced 150 billion Supreme God Crystals! This soul-eating sky armor must be mine!"

"I rub! Dare to compete with me? Two hundred billion superb crystals!"

"Two hundred ten billion..."

"Two hundred thirty billion..."

"Three hundred billion..."


"Five hundred billion superb divine crystals!"


The atmosphere of the auction was completely contrasted, and the willpower of the people to auction also seemed extremely crazy.

In order to succeed in the auction, there is some unscrupulous meaning at this moment.

It was auctioned, and there was no backhand for it, and how many crystals were smashed into it! That way, it seems that all of them are local tyrants.

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