The corners of Fang Fan's mouth twitched... The city lord of Chentian City changed his face really fast!

The eyebrows were still cold in the first second, and the kneeling and licking mode was turned on in the next second?

This son-in-law screamed, that's a simple one!

"Well, son-in-law, I don't know what price these cards are?"

"Just this Quasi-Holy Grade Healing Card..."

Chen Tianyuan narrowed his eyes and smiled wildly.

"The Quasi-Holy Grade Healing Card is a 500 million Supreme Crystal!"

"The Quasi-Holy Grade Supply Card is also a 500 million Supreme God Crystal!"

"The quasi-saint-level awakening card is a little bit, a 100 billion superb divine crystal!"

Fang Fan groaned, then quoted.

This is the pricing of the system, which is different from auctions. The price of auctions has great uncertainty, but if it is used for sale, it still has to be based on the system pricing.

"Five hundred million?"

"you sure?"

Chen Tianyuan took a deep breath, and his eyes flickered...

This is too cheap!

Now the ten quasi-sage-level supply cards and quasi-sage-level healing cards on the auction floor have been sold together for a high price of three trillion!

Counting a Quasi-Holy Grade Healing Card or Replenishment Card would require a full 150 trillion Supreme Divine Crystal, but to Fang Fan, only 500 million?

A price difference of hundreds of thousands?

"Fang Fan, don't have to be like father doesn't lack God Crystal..."

Chen Tianshi suddenly walked to Fang Fan and said, pulling Fang Fan's sleeve.

She thought that Fang Fan gave such a low price because of her!

Chen Tianyuan on the side suddenly turned dark, is this my daughter? Haven't married yet! The elbow started to turn out?

That's it... It's really drifting!

"Shier! We are talking with son-in-law, don't interrupt!"

Chen Tianyuan quickly glared at Chen Tianshi, then continued to look at Fang Fan with a smile on his face.

"My son-in-law, how many such cards do you have in your hand, I want them all!"

Chen Tianyuan rubbed his hands with excitement.

How can such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed casually?

Naturally, we must strive for it.

"My Lord, I just said, how much do you want, how much do I have!"

Fang Fan shrugged and put his confidence there!

"Except for the Quasi-Holy Grade cards, the Emperor Grade Healing Card and the Supply Card are both a 500 million lower-grade **** crystal, and the Emperor-level Awakening card is a 100 billion lower grade **** crystal!"

"There is also a King-level healing card and a supply card, five lower-grade crystals, and a King-level awakening card one thousand lower-grade crystals..."

"As long as the cards I reported above, there are as many as you want!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly, in order to complete the system task, he worked hard!

The system requires the sale of 10 million cards, but there is no stipulation on the level and type, so that Fang Fan is more convenient to operate.

Chen Tianyuan was shocked every day. At this moment, his body trembled slightly, and the sound of inhalation followed...

"My son-in-law, he really is my good son-in-law!"

"Then I'm not welcome, for these three kinds of cards, the king-level cards will each give me 100 million cards!"

"Each of the emperor level will give me one million copies!"

"For the quasi-sage level, each give me 10,000 copies!"

Chen Tianyuan's complexion gradually turned red, and his hands were unnaturally placed on Fang Fan.

It can be seen that he is very excited at this moment, very excited, and the excitement is beyond words.

Fang Fan glanced at Chen Tianyuan and then smiled slightly.

good, very good! I just like your outgoing customer!

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