VIP Box No. 7 is the Devil Zong.

"This Fang Fan, is he deliberate?"

"This chief has spoken to this point. Doesn't he understand? Or is he deliberately pretending to be deaf?"

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"You can also deceive the idiot Young Palace Master of the Heavenly Sword Palace! Wanting to be arrogant in front of this chief, it's almost death!"

Fu Yun snorted coldly, his eyes flickering.

"This chief is bidding for 21 trillion yuan of superb crystals!"

"I hope that certain people who are overpowered will not be self-confident!"

"What I want from Shazong, not everyone can provoke!"

"It's still too late to look back now, and it will be too late, hehe... It is the whole evil sect that offends!"

Fu Yun yelled several times and looked proud and abnormal.

Fang Fan felt inexplicable...

The bidding is just bidding, and it’s interesting to say so much in a jumbled way?

"Five trillion superb crystals..."

Fang Fan directly increased the price, and currently he still has a lot of superb crystals in his hands...

Fifty million Supreme God Crystals was indeed a huge number before, but fact, it's that way, the feeling is not very deep.

"Five petaflops of the best **** crystal!"

"The highest auction price right now is the five-trillion-dollar superb crystal!"

"Is there a higher price?"

Auctioneer Meng Jie's complexion gradually turned red, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

Originally, she thought that the auction this time would end at the worst auction price, and as an auctioneer, she would also suffer joint and several liability, and even get a commission...

But now that Fang Fan appeared, everything was turning around!

From 21 trillion to the highest price of Shenjing, the price has risen again by 29 million...It is the current high price of 5 trillion!

Fu Yun's face instantly turned pale...

This is a slap in the face naked!

He moved all the signs of the Earth Shazong, but what about Fang Fan? Still doing its own way, never put the earth evil sect in the eyes!

Where is the face of his chief true biography?

Now he might have become the laughing stock in everyone's words!

"Fang Fan! Are you really afraid of death?"

"This earth evil spirit must be obtained by our earth evil sect!"

"You just offended my Shazong after auctioning off!"

"Those who offend the Sha sect will definitely die!"

"I advise you to stop bidding, otherwise...hehe, I can't guarantee that you may have some accidents at any time!"

Fu Yun, the chief true biography of the Earth evil sect, yelled angrily.

"Are you... Stupid?"

"If there is a Shenjing, continue to increase the price, if there is no Shenjing, shut up!"

"I don't have money to run over and pretend to be?"

"I am proud to be the king of mouths?"

"This local evil sect is also a third-rank force anyway, so you have cultivated such a chief true biography?"

"It's embarrassing to train you specifically?"

Fang Fan originally only wanted to conduct the auction quietly, and didn't want to provoke anything, but some people just don't know how high or low...

Relying on his own status, he yelled there.

This is not a background competition contest! This is the auction. Whoever has more **** crystals, who pays high prices, is the big one...

As for the others, do you need so much nonsense?

Really interesting?

"Beautiful auctioneer, it's time for the final auction step! I don't want to be babbled with this kind of talker!"

Fang Fan turned his gaze to the auctioneer Mengjie on the auction stage, and said casually.

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