The thunder is deafening!

The final challenge is here!

The Qiongqi fierce beast in the form of thunder madly rushed towards the three-headed dog of hell!

Mixed with the power of the quasi-sage rank, it seems that he wants to completely tear everything in front of him!

If you can't resist it, it's a dead end!

"The Quasi-Holy Grade Thunder Waiver Card..."

"This may be the only hope..."

"But the quasi-sage-level sky thunder exemption card can only exempt attacks below the high-level quasi-sage..."

"It may not be able to stop..."

"Are there other cards in the auction system?"

Fang Fan's mental power invaded into the auction system, and his eyes flickered...

At this moment, the thought in his heart seemed extremely sincere. He only hoped that the three-headed dog of **** could survive!

From Fang Fan's perspective, he didn't want Xiaotian to have any accidents...

But many times accidents always follow!

The black hand behind the endless heavens is destroying Fang Fan's foundation...

"High-level Quasi-Saint-level enchantment card*10: Can resist a high-level Quasi-Saint-level attack once..."

"The auction reserve price is three hundred star cores, now the auction price is 830 star cores, one thousand two hundred star cores..."

"Ten high-level quasi-sage enchantment cards..."

"It's a pity that there is still no quasi-sage enchantment card..."

"But there are ten high-level Quasi-Saint-level enchantment cards that can be considered as a solution to the urgent need!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

"A Buy It Now!"

"Ding! Consume one thousand two hundred star cores and successfully auction ten high-level Quasi-Saint-level enchantment cards!"

When Fang Fan finished the operation, the thunder-shaped poor beast in the sky was already less than one meter away from the three-headed dog in hell...

"The Quasi-Holy Grade Thunder Waiver Card!"

Fang Fan took the lead to throw a card. This card collided with the Qiongqi and fierce beast transformed into a sky thunder, and it was quickly torn apart!

After all, the Quasi-Saint-level Sky Thunder Waiver Card can only exempt the existence of high-rank Quasi-Saint-level...


The Qiongqi fierce beast in the form of a thunder suddenly roared violently, with killing intent in its eyes...

However, the effect of the Quasi-Holy Grade Thunder Waiver Card is not without it, at least the energy in this poor strange beast seems to be offset by one percent...

But it's only one percent...

The Qiongqi fierce beast in the form of thunder continued to rush towards Fang Fan's position without reducing its speed...

The sound of thunder bursts into the ears, as if to directly split this space...

"Use the high-level Quasi-Saint level enchantment card!"

Fang Fan thought, a high-level Quasi-Saint-level enchantment card flew out directly, forming an invisible protective shield to guard the three-headed dog in hell...

Kaka Kaka...

The thunderous Qiongqi fierce beast was once again blocked. It waved its huge minions and fiercely lined up on the protective cover, slapped it with one claw, and the protective cover cracked...

With another clap, the barrier shield formed by the high-level Quasi-Saint-level barrier card directly turned into nothingness!


The Qiongqi fierce beast transformed into a thunderbolt once again attacked the three-headed dog in hell...

Extremely powerful!

Fang Fan always uses a high-level Quasi-Saint-level enchantment card to consume the energy of the Qiongqi beast and delay time!


In the sky above Chentian City, a strange picture appeared at this moment.

The quasi-holy quasi-holy-level thunderous beast leaped forward with its teeth and claws, but when it was about to attack the three-headed dog of hell, it would suffer from layers of barriers, making its body Quit again and again...

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