Chen Tianyuan subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes could not help showing a trace of hesitation.

Chen Tian Clan is a third-rank force, Chen Tian Yuan was proud of it before, and even thought of letting Fang Fan join the Chen Tian Clan.

But seeing the situation in front of him, he deeply understood that a third-rank force could not recruit Fang Fan...

What Fang Fan wants, perhaps the sea of ​​stars, or the endless heavens!


Chentian City, Tianyu Chamber of Commerce.

"He destroyed a trace of the true god's consciousness..."

"It really is a crazy guy!"

"His identity and background will not be simple, thoroughly investigate!"

Sikong Yuxin's face was indifferent, and there were waves of cold around him.

Tian Ruhai, the president of the Tianyu Chamber of Commerce on the side, sighed, and the cruel Goddess stayed a little longer this time.

And what did His Highness the Goddess just say?

He killed a trace of the true god's consciousness?

This "he" naturally refers to Fang Fan...

Has he...has become so strong?

Tian Ruhai's hands trembled slightly... able to directly confront the true god... even if it was just a trace of divine consciousness, it was also a peerless Tianjiao!

Such people must try their best to build a good relationship, at least...not be an enemy.


Ten Thousand Demons Alliance...

" was successful!"

"It's another seven-law genius monster!"

"It would be great if they all joined our Ten Thousand Demons Alliance!"

"Why can't my Ten Thousand Demons Alliance prosper?"

"A Fang Fan has included too many monster geniuses!"

"No wonder these Tianjiao monsters are so desperate for him, this guy even Tianlei can help through it, unheard of!"

The face of the eagle-nosed elder Tianying Quasi-sage had completely flushed. When the seventh quasi-sacred-level thunder descended, he was also desperate for a while, and now, everything is over.

"What an interesting guy!"

"Only such a Tianjiao can be worthy of my Tianhu Meier!"

Tianhu Mei'er, the saint of the Tianhu tribe, had a glint in her eyes, and the smile on her mouth became more and more.


"One-star Emperor Level!"

"Two-star Emperor Level!"


"Nine Star Emperor Level!"

"Ten-Star Emperor Level!"

"Sure enough... reached the peak of the previous Little Golden Dragon!"

Fang Fan lay on the back of Xiao Jinlong, watching the rapid promotion of the three-headed dog in hell, and a smile could not help appearing on his face.

The behind-the-scenes black hands above the endless heavens frequently used black hands to increase the difficulty of the emperor's catastrophe crazily, but what about the end? The little golden dragon and the three-headed **** dog have not only survived, but they can also get great benefits after they have passed!

This wave is the real blood gain!

Fang Fan nodded slightly, his eyes flickered, and a smile gradually emerged.

"Fang Fan, I found that not only your pets are just like you, they are abnormal!"

"Sure enough, there are abnormal masters, and abnormal warfare!"

Zi Ling opened her beautiful eyes and said with envy.

To a certain extent, the abnormality she mentioned is not derogatory, but it shows that Fang Fan's little golden dragon and **** three-headed dog are very strong! That kind of pervert!

"You said they were perverted, why did they bother me?"

"When have I been perverted?"

"Don't you like my pervert?"

"I remember what you called the most popular at the time..."

Fang Fan leaned to Zi Ling's ear and said softly, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Zi Ling instantly turned red...

With her wisdom, she can naturally hear the meaning of Fang Fan's words... this bastard!

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