Seeing the three-headed dog from **** who was promoted to a low-level quasi-sacred realm, Fang Fan's eyes gradually became kind.

Although it was dangerous before, as long as the final result is good, it is acceptable.

The more you pay, the more you will pay back!

"The roaring sky just inspired the Seven Laws of the Emperor's Tribulation, and the Heavenly Tribulation has become so strong that there has even appeared a quasi-sacred thunder..."

"If I used the Nine Laws Absolute King Realm to inspire the Nine Laws Emperor Heavenly Tribulation at the time, wouldn't it mean that a sanctuary-level sky thunder would appear?"

"It seems that promotion can't be done too quickly..."

"At the very least, you have to wait until you have enough chips in your hands before trying..."

"Otherwise, it is very likely that you will be deeply mired!"

Fang Fan thought in his heart that he must be cautious before he is fully prepared!

This time Fang Fan originally held the Intermediate Quasi-Saint-level Energy Swallow Card and Quasi-Saint-level Sky Thunder Waiver Card in his hand. He thought it was foolproof!

But the final result? But it is very different from what Fang Fan had imagined!

This is also a reminder for Fang Fan, even if he is ready, he can't be overwhelmed... What if something happens in the middle?


Heavenly Sword Palace...

"Really successful..."

"This...this is a catastrophe! Such a catastrophe must be eliminated early!"

"Otherwise, when he grows up, he will be cool, but it is us!"

"No... I can't let him grow anymore!"

"Two battle pets with the talent of the Seven Laws... one has been promoted to the ten-star emperor level, and the other has been promoted to the low-level quasi-sacred realm!"

"If he continues to be so strong, will there be a chance for our Heavenly Sword Palace to survive?"

"If so... if there is really a sanctuary war pet..."

Sword Ming, the master of the Heavenly Sword Palace, had cold sweat on his forehead. At this time, he actually became a lot calmer, and he gradually understood the key relationship!

If these relationships are not handled well, who knows what will become? Can we continue to maintain development?

"Master Dou Ke...Can you kill him right now! It is worth paying any price!"

Jian Ming took a breath and looked directly at Huang Jiandou, one of the Eight Jue Swords of the Heavenly Sword Palace...

Before, Jianming's attitude towards Dou Ke had always been cold and cold, and even directly shouted and screamed, once tore his face apart.

Now it feels like a okay person, this shamelessness is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

"Beheaded directly?"

"Hehe... it's so easy!"

"We only have one chance to kill Fang Fan, but we still missed it!"

"When we clashed with Fang Fan for the first time, we smashed him with lightning speed, even if the old guy Chen Tianyuan investigated it, we still have reasons to refute and debate..."

"As for now... the opportunity has been missed..."

"Don't look at everything calm and calm now, maybe the old guy Chen Tianyuan is hiding in a corner to spy on all this..."

"After all, this is not the home of our Heavenly Sword Palace...If it is in the Heavenly Sword Star Region, the old man will slay such a terrible disaster even if he summoned all the Eight Jue Swords!"

"Because no one knows what miracle he will bring!"

"This Fang Fan has grown too fast..."

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