The face of Zhu Hui, the young master of the Zixiaomen, gradually turned flush, Fang Fan was the symbol of the vault!

Who doesn't know that Fang Fan has countless treasures?

Not to mention anything else, the essence of the evil earth alone is worth ten thousand star cores!

Not to mention that Fang Fan was still slaughtering the Quartet at the auction. Will he lose the God Crystal and Star Core?

As long as you catch it, their Zixiao goalkeeper will be able to get fatter!

"All the cultivators in the Zixiao Gate, follow me and kill them!"

"Capture Fang Fan alive, Ben Shao will reward the best **** crystal with one trillion!"

"Slay Fang Fan, Ben Shao rewards the best **** crystal 100 billion!"

"The chance to make a fortune is here! What are you waiting for!"

Zhu Hui, the young master of the Zixiaomen, gave an order, and the two thousand Zixiaomen cultivators who followed him suddenly screamed and rushed out frantically.

Zixiaomen is a fourth-rank force. According to the previous rules, it has 10,000 places to enter the Chentian Secret Realm. Among them, the cultivators above the one-star emperor realm also occupy one-tenth! There are two hundred people!

This shows that you have the peak combat power of the two-hundred-one-star Emperor Realm! How powerful? How terrible!

On the other hand, looking at Fang Fan's side, there are only 30 combat units when he is full...

Thirty pairs to two thousand...This is a qualitative crush!

Zhu Hui, the young master of the Zixiao Gate, thought this way, the smile on his face became more and more, and the sound of inhalation gradually became real...the smile on his face gradually appeared.

I thought that this time it would be great to be able to **** some of the power of the gods. Who would have thought that I would encounter a boss like Fang Fan? This is really a blessing bestowed on him by God!

"Stop! Stop it! Don't go on!"

The sincere man made up for it with cold sweat on his forehead, then stopped in front of everyone and shouted loudly.

"Nie Yan! Are you crazy? Do you dare to disobey Ben Shao's order? You don't want to live anymore?"

Zhu Hui, the young master of Zixiaomen, had blue veins on his forehead violently, feeling that his majesty had suffered a great blow.

"Young sect master, I didn't mean to defy, if we rush over, we will really be dead!"

"If Fang Fan was so easy to deal with, he would have already died!"

"Don't you remember that when you were in Chentian City before, several quasi-sage experts wanted to attack him, but in the end? This big Fang Fan is still fine!"

"Moreover, standing behind them is the Chentian Clan! He is the Chentian Clan's cohort! Even if we have a 1% chance of defeating it, the Chentian Clan is the one who offends in the end!"

"We Zixiaomen have no chance of winning against Shangchen Heavenly Clan, this is a mortal situation..."

Sincerely refusing to follow Nie Yan's word and heartfelt admonition...


Bang bang bang...

He was greeted by several slaps.

"go away!"

"Kill them all, who knows I killed them?"

"It is absolutely impossible to let labor and capital give up the treasury!"

"Don't stand in the way of me! Go away!"

"Don't be crooked, even you cut it!"

"Dare to disturb the minds of our army, it's almost death!"

As the Zixiaomen Young Master said, he directly kicked the sincere follower to the side, and then charged towards Fang Fan with excitement.

Fang Fan put his hands around his chest, looking at the farce in front of him, he felt a little bit dumbfounded.

This operation, he has never read too much...

But since someone wants to die, Fang Fan can only fulfill them...

"You could have lived, but unfortunately, you ruined your last life."

Fang Fan looked at Zhu Hui, the young master of the Zixiao Gate, and said coldly.

As he spoke, he gave a sincere look at the one who was kicked to the ground in the distance, with a strange expression on his face.

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