No one was panicking, and each place was still relatively calm. In their opinion, how much damage could a mage who can only exert the power of the one-star emperor realm cast a spell?

panic? As for?

Generally, such large-scale magic is at the expense of damage!

The greater the coverage, the less the damage...

So let alone those cultivators who can still play a one-star emperor’s melee power under the force of the rules, even those who are not as powerful as they are, at this moment, there is no sense of panic, on the contrary, I feel that... .

In their opinion, they can't die anyway, what are they afraid of?

But getting close to Fang Fan and beheading Fang Fan is different. Not to mention the rewards of the various forces, the treasures on Fang Fan alone are enough to make them extremely excited!

This is a good opportunity to make a fortune! Can they miss it? Naturally impossible!

"As long as I rush to kill Fang Fan and take his storage ring, I don't have to worry about it in this life!"

"At that time, what will I want...

"Huh! Isn't the adventure of Chentian Mijin still for those treasures after all? To cultivate resources, to make yourself stronger..."

"The treasure in the third round of Wanbao Lake is the Nether Sacred Flame! Although this treasure is good, it is a pity that it is not mine and has little to do with me..."

"After all, so many eyes are staring at it!"

"Killing Fang Fan, I can run away in the chaos...The opportunity is in front of me, but just such a chance, I must not let it go!"

Countless cultivators rushed over, with a crippling killing intent and a greedy smile, they completely vented the desire in their hearts!

Fang Fan was at the center of the Xuanwu formation, and his face couldn't help showing sarcasm...

It's time to come, it's coming!

In that case, let it be completely ended!

Death, only in a moment!

"Vega! It's time to shoot!"

Fang Fan looked at Wei Jia, and the smile on his face gradually increased. The big moves he had accumulated for so long... It was time to release a wave!

"Oh, please!"

Wei Jia squinted her eyes, raised her head slightly, a pair of dark green eyes filled with a trace of madness...

"Extraordinary evil power bonus!"

Vega chanted softly, holding his hands naturally, bending his fingers slightly...

Immediately, a wisp of black mist on Wei Jiazhou began to gather frantically...

Vega's extraordinary evil power has always been so strong!

As long as you kill a creature, regardless of level, you can permanently increase the magic power!

Wei Jia has been following Fang Fan's hero for a long time, and he doesn't know how many enemies he has killed following Fang Fan...

It is conceivable that at this moment, Wei Jia used the [Extraordinary Evil Force] to accumulate the divine power to what intensity!

That must be...horrifying and shocking!

All of this is quietly flashing!

"Dark matter!"

"Dark Sacrifice!"

"Energy burst!"

"The raging dark magic, gallop! Kill all the enemies in front of you! Exterminate everything with a crazy attitude! There is no end to war! War war!"

Vega's thin body contains extremely powerful power! This force is enough to destroy the world!

"The power of the Dark Staff and the Book of Life and Death are used together to make my magic stronger!"

"Thank you, the Lord, for giving me the position of a judge of the underworld, and awakening me completely! May the Lord fight to death!"

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