Obviously, this is their limit!

Now that I have reached this limit, I can't hold it. It's normal.

It is not easy to be able to resist the pressure of the three-star emperor class with one-star emperor class combat power.

"Unexpectedly, my ten major legions, six heroes, and the little golden dragon Ao Guang, the three-headed dog of hell, and even Yu Xiaoxiao would all hold on..."

"They still have the ability to continue climbing!"

Fang Fan nodded secretly, feeling quite relieved.

Continue to climb towards the top of the sword mound, the more precious the sword you get!

"Hahaha! You can't hold it anymore!"

"Fang Fan! I already said, don't fight with me!"

"Do you feel proud to be on the fourth floor of Jian Tomb? Excited?"

"Let me tell you! The so-called fourth floor of the Sword Tomb is no pressure to me!"

"I can still climb higher!"

"This is my starting point, but it is already your end!"

"Hahaha! Give up! I already feel the holy sword calling me!"

"Fang Fan! You are finished! You are completely finished!"

"When I win the holy sword, you have to kneel and judge yourself!"

"I think instead of losing your face at that time, you wouldn't commit suicide in such a moment as clean and decisive!"

The Master of the Heavenly Sword Palace, Jian Ming, brought a group of cultivators from the Heavenly Sword Palace, with a sense of madness in his eyes.

As a member of the Heavenly Sword Palace, he was born with a sense of tacit understanding with the sword, which is the advantage of sword life.

Relying on this advantage, he has already performed Jieyu to the extreme at this moment.


A loud slap in the face sounded, and the crazy bark stopped.

"I have never seen such a mean person!"

Fang Fan commented indifferently.

"Generally speaking, only the humble and weak will bark around like a mad dog..."

"The good dog doesn't get in the way, go aside!"

"It's really noisy!"

Fang Fan curled his lips, just like self-expression?

The twitter is crooked, the twitter is endless?

Think it's so fun? Don’t you feel numb on your scalp?

Jian Ming felt the pain on his face, his complexion instantly twisted...

He was beaten! Was beaten severely!

Bastard! This bastard! Beating him again!

What happened... but he didn't have time to stop it just now!

His speed...too fast, too fast!

Fang Fan, who has comprehended the power of the nine rules, has not yet entered the emperor realm, but with the power of the nine rules, he can completely cause a full range of crit and damage without following the rules of the pistol!

There is absolutely no problem with slinging a one-star emperor realm!

"Kill! Kill him! Kill him for me!"

"What are you all still inking? Didn't you hear my order? I asked you to kill him! I will kill Fang Fan!"

Jian Ming let out Hesty's roar, his complexion became extremely sinister!

"Young Palace Master, think twice...We only have three hundred people in our hands..."

"The Devil Legion opposite is still..."

"We must restrain..."

"If that devil army launches an offensive, we may not be enough for a round of fire..."

A cultivator from the Heavenly Sword Palace hurriedly stepped forward to remind him that the Devil Army in his mouth was naturally the Law Light Machine Gun Army Army under Fang Fan...

A light machine gun in hand, who can stand it?

Jian Ming's body trembled, his hands clenched tightly, his nails sunken in flesh and blood, and wisps of bright blood flowed out of him with no regard.

One can imagine his anger at the moment...

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