Sikong Yuxin couldn't help showing a look of surprise in his indifferent eyes, then licked his lips, clenched his fists with both hands, killing Ling Ran...

She feels that Fang Fan has more and more significance and value for research...

There must be a big secret hidden in it.


A crowd of melon-eating people stood on the first floor of the Jian Tomb and looked up at the big bosses on the upper floor. At this moment, they were incomparable with envy...

"Fifth floor! Ahhhhh! There are already intermediate quasi-sacred artifacts in there! I'm so jealous!"

"You are jealous of a chicken feather! That's the battlefield of big brothers, you go up? Do you dare to go up? Are you qualified?"

"The strongest is Fang Fan... Of all the forces, Fang Fan has the fewest guards, but the number of people on the fifth floor is the most, and he beats hundreds of them with the power of one family!"

"Is this the strength of the boss? It really is not something that I can predict with ordinary people..."

"Why did the gap come about, I really didn't count it?"

"So it seems that Fang Fan's boss is all that kind of genius?"

"Hey! But the fifth floor is almost at its peak... The fifth floor of the sword mound is said to have the sword pressure force of the four-star Emperor Realm. In the Chentian Secret Realm, the strongest is only the one-star Emperor Realm battle. Power... no matter how strong it is, there must be a limit..."

"Hmm...but that's true, I don't believe that Big Fang Fan can bring so many people on the sixth floor!"

"Hehe... that's impossible!"

"I don't know what level Fang Fan can finally reach... I look forward to..."

"In contrast, the Heavenly Sword Palace, which specializes in swords, seems very rubbish..."

"Hey... Isn't it too far?"

"By the way, the Master of the Heavenly Sword Palace, Sword Life, seems to have made a bet with Fang Fan to compare who will eventually win the Excalibur. At first, I felt that Fang Fan was a bit too impulsive. , Now it seems... not at all like this!"

"I also know that the bet, but the loser has to kneel on his knees!"

"There's a good show...Although we can't compare to those big guys, it's not bad to be a melon-eater!"



Among the sword graves, the peak of life.

At this moment, the swords of the first layer, the second layer and even the third layer have been almost taken, so the sound of fighting at the beginning is naturally gone, replaced by gossip...

The cultivators get together one by one, watching the struggle of the upper-level cultivators, it doesn't have much fun.

"Fang Fan! Did you cheat? That's why so many people under your command can be on the fifth floor of the sword grave!"

"Spirit of Sword Tomb! Spirit of Wanbao Lake! I protest! I protest! Someone cheated!"

Jian Ming roared directly, he couldn't bear this grievance!

He resented the whole thing! He is angry! He wants to kill!

Only in this way can he calm his excitement a little bit.

"The protest has been received!"

"Start survey..."

Suddenly, an ethereal voice came from the sky above the sword grave, which was exactly the same as the voices made by the gods before!

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, it seems that this Wanbao Lake spirit has his own sanity...

But this is not surprising, there are so many treasures here, presumably the master who built Wanbao Lake is also a great power!

It's not a big deal that a Tongtian Power of this level can cultivate a few sane souls.

"If the protest is effective, reward!"

"If the protest is falsely accusing, fine!"

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