Shocking sounds came one after another, and the faces of the people eating melon gradually showed envy and jealousy.

The high-level sword mound represents a higher-level divine sword!

Excalibur currently, how many people can remain calm?

The only thing that can be done is bloodbath on the spot! Just fight to the end! Just try to get a higher-level Excalibur!

But obviously, many times there will always be various deviations between reality and dream.

Without sufficient power and capital, if you want to continue to charge forward, that is a dead end! There is no such possibility.

Above the seventh floor of the Sword Tomb... Fang Fan's gaze silently scanned the surroundings. The most powerful swordsman who had been clamoring before was still climbing, like a madman.

On the contrary, the Sikong Yuxin of the Tianyu Chamber of Commerce climbed up casually, appearing more casual from beginning to end...

The speed is only behind Fang Fan.

"Miss Sikong..."

Fang Fan silently stepped forward and greeted him, because Sikong Yuxin took the initiative to greet him a lot before, throwing peaches and giving off plums, Fang Fan felt that he should also say hello.

"Huh! Are you Fang Fan?"


Sikong Yuxin licked her lips and looked at Fang Fan with interest. The expression on her face looked particularly cold from beginning to end...

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, feeling a little bit wrong...

Too cold!

The temperament has changed so much in a short time?

Fang Fan frowned secretly. The former Sikong Yuxin was gentle and kind, and always liked to smile when speaking...

But this one in front of me can't be overstated.

It was as if someone owed her 800,000 star cores.

"You are not Miss Sikong, who are you?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his face was harsh!

"Huh! Who said I'm not Sikong Yuxin anymore? I am!"

"You, a person despised by the true god, dare to question the goddess!"

"Ridiculous! Really ridiculous!"

Sikong Yuxin suddenly sneered a few times, with a look of disdain on his face.

Fang Fan's face suddenly changed...

goddess? Claiming to be the goddess? Does she know something? God spurned? How did she know?

Could it be that when the little golden dragon and the three-headed dog of **** were crossing the emperor's catastrophe, she found some clues? "

"If that's the case, there will be a lot of tricks in it!"

"The identity of this suspicious again!"

"Could it be that she and the so-called true **** are inextricably linked?"

"Or maybe, she knows which true **** is targeting me?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his heart filled with infinite curiosity...

For a long time, the existence of the black hand behind the scenes made him extremely angry!

I tried to pull it out again and again, but they ended up without a problem... even without a single direction!

Because the man behind the scenes is most likely the true **** at the end of the heavens!


"I'm coming up!"

"I'm coming up!"

"I am a genius!"

"I am the genius of the Heavenly Sword Palace! I am the strongest genius in sword repair!"

"The seventh floor of the Sword Tomb! What's so great! Me too!"

"Fang Fan! Fang Fan! Now... now you can try! Come on! Go on!"



Just as Fang Fan was thinking about it, there were roars and roars, and he saw that the young master of the Heavenly Sword Palace climbed up with blood stains on his face, blood stains all over his body...

While talking, he was vomiting blood out, which looked extremely miserable!

Even if it is in this state, still have to continue to scream.

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