To some extent, crazily disparaging opponents is also a way to boost confidence and morale.

Of course, this increase in confidence seems a bit exaggerated to a certain extent, just like a bubble, coming faster and going faster!

"One hundred meters!"


Fang Fan lowered his voice and gave orders directly.

A group of law light machine gun soldiers who were already hungry and thirsty. Legionnaires put the law light machine gun in front of them at this moment, and began to spray flames like crazy...

Infinite bullets, pull the trigger unlimitedly, fight tirelessly...

In one minute, each law light machine gun can shoot hundreds or even thousands of law bullets...

A bullet of law may not be able to kill a one-star emperor realm battle power...

But two rounds, five rounds, or even... ten rounds and one hundred?

This is destined to be a terrifying attack, making everything tremble in place...

A distance of one hundred meters... has become a vacuum belt of death at this moment.

Thousands of cultivators wanted to come forward, but they didn’t wait for them to get close, they themselves became a corpse...

The smell of blood in the Chentian Killing Array became more intense.

There are tens of thousands of cultivators... never a big number...

In the face of the blooming machine guns, they are destined to only become dead souls.

In one minute, twelve law light machine guns fired nearly 100,000 rounds of law bullets!

Once spread in the dense crowd, the results are remarkable!

There were two to three thousand cultivators who fell on the charge road, and two to three thousand were greatly damaged by the bullets of the law...

Thousands of cultivators were instantly disabled...more than half were damaged...

"The devil... this is the devil..."


"Who brought me here just now? I said it earlier, Fang Fan can't offend him!"

"Huhuhu... Fang Mo is too scary, this is not something we can deal with!"

"I don't want to die... I really don't want to die!"

"Spare my life, can't hit me...can't hit me..."

"I swear that if I can escape a life, I will never die again in this life! I will automatically retreat for three thousand miles where Fang Fan will appear in the future, no... thirty thousand miles!"

"Grass! Don't drag me! You are going to die, what are you doing with me!"

"Didn't you say that we are brothers? You can't leave me..."

"Damn... Go away! Don't force me to do it!"

"What's wrong? Labor and capital can't live anymore, drag you to die together, and there is a companion on Huangquan Road!"

"You are the devil!"



Human nature is particularly indifferent in the face of life and death.

Under the spray of flames, the battlefield gradually became a lot quieter, and the **** smell in the air became more and more intense.

The corpses piled up like a mountain, and the broken meat and wreckage all over the mountain seemed to be telling the tragedy that happened here just now.

"Master, killed a total of five thousand three hundred and forty-three people! Seized more than eight thousand storage ores! Of these, more than three trillion of the best **** crystals were combined, and three hundred and forty-two of the Chentian Order!"

The ruler of the Light Machine Gun Corps, Bayless, turned the battle over, with excited expressions on his face.

This kind of hearty battle is so cool!

Unrestricted shooting, unlimited killing...

Let the bullet take off!

This is the era of the law, the power of the law bullet is completely revealed!

Within a hundred miles, Liao is uninhabited!

All the cultivators have retreated, and they don't want to be the next undead under the gun.

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