While talking, Fu Yun, the chief true biography of the Earth Evil Sect, calmly kicked Chen Tiange's body away...

Then he walked up to Fang Fan respectfully, with a flattering expression on his face.

"Hall Master Fang Fan, I really don't want to target you, it's all this guy! Yes! It's this Chen Tiange, he is the one who stuns me!"

"In my eyes, Palace Master Fang Fan is the supreme figure. I want to flatter before I have time. How dare I be disrespectful?"

"Hall Master Fang Fan, you must believe what I said!"

"If our evil sect can form an alliance with Fang Fan, it must be the supreme honor of our evil sect!"

While talking, Fu Yun, the chief of the Divine Sect, nodded and bowed, the flattering color on his face became more and more.

Fang Fan smiled secretly... Secretly said that this guy is also a talent, the speed of this face change is indeed very fast!

"Shier, Shaner, how are you?"

Fang Fan didn't answer Fu Yun, but walked directly in front of Chen Tianshi and Chen Tianshan, with a nervous look on their faces.

"Brother Fan, Shan'er is fine!"

"Brother Fan saved Shan'er again!"

"Thank you Brother Fan!"

Chen Tianshan was holding Fang Fan's arm affectionately, and I don't know why, every time she stood with Fang Fan, she felt particularly safe.

Fang Fan smiled, then rubbed Chen Tianshan's Lolita head, the smile on his face couldn't help but increase.

Fang Fan's gaze shifted silently to Chen Tianshi, his gaze softened involuntarily.

"From now on, without my permission, you are not allowed to hurt yourself!"

"It's nothing more than a beaming clown, as to put you in danger?"

"I have a hundred ways to save you just now! But if you choose the most extreme way, I will regret it forever!"


Fang Fan held Chen Tianshi tightly in his arms, his tone a little tougher.

"Then I... Then I know now!"

"Isn't it an emergency just now!"

Chen Tianshi cocked her mouth and said in a coquettish tone.

Fang Fan was stunned, knowing that he seldom saw Chen Tianshi's coquettish posture, I really felt pity.

"It's a pity that Chen Tiange is dead, otherwise I can ask them clearly about their conspiracy..."

"Now he dares to hold me and Shan'er directly, and he's so confident, I'm afraid of my father's side..."

Chen Tianshi frowned and couldn't help showing a worried look on his face.

You know that she and Chen Tianshan are both princesses of the Chentian clan, and Chen Tiange dared to be detained directly, it is conceivable that he has no scruples!

What is it that gives them such a strong confidence?

Is it really not afraid to settle accounts after Autumn?

Or... they have already grabbed some hole cards in their hands...

Because of the existence of these cards, do you dare to make such a paradox?

"It doesn't matter, the dead can actually speak!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly, the confident expression on his face was very real, then raised his head slightly, and a soul search card appeared in his hand...

Fang Fan put the soul search card on the center of the eyebrows of Chen Tiange, who was already dead, then hummed lightly, and started searching for the soul...


Chen Tiange, who was already dead, suddenly trembled frantically, and whimpered in his mouth, as if he had cheated on a corpse.

"Even though he is dead, his soul will remain in the body for a period of time before being separated!"

"I will gather his soul again now, so that he will have some subconscious movements, which is harmless."

Fang Fan explained to the side.

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