"Heaven Sword! Can you fight!"

Fang Fan looked at Heaven Slashing Sword with scorching eyes, his expression trembled!

"Master! Heaven Slashing Sword can fight!"

The Heaven Slashing Sword and Sword Spirit uttered a soft cry, and immediately rushed out of Fang Fan's hand.

This wave of thunder tribulations has come, and the one who has benefited the most is the Sword of Heaven!

By absorbing the energy of Thunder Tribulation and the divine power contained therein, he was directly promoted from the one-star holy sword to the three-star holy sword level!

The Heaven Slashing Sword was in the air, and roared with the two-star sanctuary-level sky thunder-shaped ancient sacred beast, absorbing a wave of energy by the way.

The same as the previous fighting method, it is to let the Heaven Slashing Sword absorb to the extreme! Then convert the energy into what you need for promotion!

The defensive ability of the Heaven Slashing Sword that has been promoted to the level of the Samsung Sacred Artifact is obviously much stronger, and it lasts longer and longer...

ten minutes later……

"Master, I...I'm at the limit!"

"I can only weaken this J from the two-star peak sanctuary to the two-star low-level sanctuary!"

When the Heaven Slashing Sword fell from the air, Fang Fan smiled slightly, this was enough!

The two-star peak sanctuary state is the strongest state of the two-star sanctuary state.

The two-star low-level sanctuary state is the weakest state of the two-star sanctuary state.

The weakened two-star sanctuary-level sky thunder-shaped ancient mythical beast roar was still in the two-star sanctuary, but its combat power was weakened by at least half!

Next, we must rely on Fang Fan to resist!

"Holy blessing card!"


Fang Fan whispered to himself, and at the same time used various emperor-level quasi-sage-level enchantment cards at the same time!

It's useful or not, let's not talk about it, at least... it's important to save your life!


The two-star sanctuary-level sky-thunder-shaped ancient mythical beast roared down, getting faster and faster, and the surrounding atmosphere instantly became tense...

After the holy protection card was used, a black shield appeared around it, which firmly protected Fang Fan...

The two-star sanctuary-level sky-thunder-shaped ancient mythical beast roar frantically slammed into the shield, and the shield that could withstand the 1-star sanctuary-level attack also gradually began to crack...

Fang Fan sighed softly, then couldn't help but sigh...

The weakest state of the two-star sanctuary level is also much stronger than the strongest state of the one-star sanctuary level!

When the black shield formed by the holy blessing cards was shattered, the enchantment cards of the emperor-level quasi holy cards were directly destroyed and destroyed!

"The Quasi-Holy Grade Stand-in Card!"

"Servant God Substitute!"


At the critical moment, Fang Fan once again used the supernatural effect of the Aran God Servant God...





The aura of destruction gradually spread from the surrounding area, and the aura of death was also crazily silent...

Under the thunder group, it suddenly fell silent...

In the scorched ruins, I never saw Fang Fan's figure...


"Fang Fan is dead?"

I don't know who screamed, and then the audience screamed in exclamation!

"Finally... it's cold!"

"Grass! It's been so long after the emperor's heavenly calamity, this is so... they have reached the ninth sky thunder..."

"Hey... the Ninth Sky Radar has reached the level of the two-star sanctuary... It's normal for Fang Fan to not be able to get through it. If he can pass through this, there will really be ghosts!"

"It's a pity, such a peerless arrogant!"

"The Peerless Tianjiao that grows up is true... the dead Peerless Tianjiao is worthless..."

"There is no sign of life... the dead can't die anymore!"


"Fang Fan..."

"No... it's not true! You... you **** still say you are responsible to me!"

Zi Ling was stunned for an instant, and only felt that his mind was blank. This former queen was as soft as autumn water at this moment.

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