
The burly man in the red robe murmured secretly, and the sense of surprise on his face became more and more real. This feeling is very real! Can make the starry night goddess, who has always been cold, so irritable...It is conceivable that this secret should be very interesting!

The burly man in the red robe slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and the smile on his face grew more...



The five-star sanctuary-level sky-thunder-shaped silver dragon collapsed! Destroyed! A miracle... was born!

The cultivators of the surrounding forces looked at this magical operation and were completely stunned at this moment!

Each looked at each other, and their eyes showed incredible expressions!

"Who knows... how the five-star sanctuary silver dragon... is it cold?"

"I... I saw a very big and long finger falling from the sky, and then the silver dragon was directly rubbed against the ground..."

"Finger? This... Is this the finger of the true god? The true **** is helping Fang Fan?"

"Hs... if... if he really has the protection of true gods, then... why are these thunders so powerful? It's the rhythm to destroy everything?"

"Haha...destroy everything? Fang Fan hasn't died so far... Could it be that this is just a game done by the true god... Let Fang Fan survive some catastrophes, and then grant supreme benefits?"

"From this point of view, is this big boss Fang Fan really blessed? Then let's get a feather! If we really kill him and take his treasure, I am afraid the true **** will not let us go?"

"Don't scare me, can you? I feel cold in my back now..."

"Grass! Someone would believe such a stupid thing? This is obviously an accident, good?"

"Just... haven't you seen a five-star sanctuary-level sky-thunder-shaped golden phoenix? I don't believe that this time there will be true gods coming to the gods..."



"He... he won't really have a true **** to bless him? Otherwise... otherwise, how could he be a supreme true king continuously defeat those sanctuary-level sky thunders, and now he is even a five-star sanctuary-level sky thunder-shaped silver dragon? It was destroyed...but this Fang Fan was unscathed...this is abnormal!"

Wei Chi Wei, the head of the Yuchi family, took a deep breath, and his lips couldn't help but tremble. As he spoke, his gaze at Fang Fan looked terrified!

He felt that Fang Fan at this moment was extremely powerful! And he is the humblest ant!

"Haha... What is it to panic? What's so panic? What's the big deal? Everything is just a coincidence! Those true gods are so idle, come to pay attention to the emperor's catastrophe of a true king? This is impossible!"

"Anyway, now the enmity has been settled, if we don't kill Fang Fan, he will not let us go! It is better to take advantage of him to grow up and end him, this is more in our interest!"

The ancestor of Di Shazong Bai Sha licked his lips. Even at this moment, he still remembers the treasures on Fang Fan... These are the spiritual pillars that have supported him to this moment!

"Fang Fan must die!"

Chen Tianxun, the great worshipper of the Chen Tian Clan, swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although there was a trace of horror in his eyes, he still said so.

He is a traitor of the Chentian clan, this time he wants to destroy Chen Tianyuan and his main line!

And Fang Fan is Chen Tianyuan’s son-in-law...

If Fang Fan grows up, he will be the first to suffer! That's why he reacted like this.

Fear is inevitable, but the will to kill Fang Fan is also real.

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