Fighting, falling into a deep heart...

Fang Fan's complexion gradually changed, holding a four-star holy sword, wearing a one-star sanctuary-level devouring holy armor, and flying directly into the crowd...

A low-level quasi-sage kills directly with the sword!


The two mid-level quasi-sages focused on Fang Fan. According to the order, they only need to kill Fang Fan, which is a great achievement!

And... you can also take the opportunity to seize the supreme treasure from Fang Fan!

"Intermediate quasi-sage..."

"Ha ha……"

"Asura bloodline! Outburst!"

Fang Fan shouted coldly, and the power of boundless blood burst out from all around him!

This was when he was still on the Human Race plane, he swallowed the power of the blood that Asura Fruit had understood!

At first it was just the lowest level bloodline, but now... through the long-term swallowing of other bloodlines, it has become extremely powerful!

"Bloodline: Asura's top bloodline (37%

"Bloodline feature 1: Battle soul, bloodline increases combat power by two hundred percent!" (The display requires spiritual support.)

"Bloodline Feature 2: Swallow, power and evolve by swallowing other bloodlines!" (The display requires mental support.)

"Bloodline feature 3: Deterrence, the derived bloodline feature that swallows the blood of the deep sea overlord, can deter the ocean demonized beasts and control the low-level ocean demonized beasts!" (Use mental power support.)

Asura bloodline currently only has this bloodline characteristic, but every bloodline characteristic is strong enough to burst!

The first bloodline characteristic of Asura's top bloodline is [War Soul], which directly increases combat power by 200%! That is to double the combat power!

The second bloodline feature is swallowing, endless swallowing, allowing the bloodline to continue to advance!

As for the third bloodline characteristic...Speaking of it, it was the derived bloodline characteristic obtained after swallowing the bloodline of the deep sea overlord, which has a certain deterrent effect on marine life...

In the beginning, Fang Fan only had the low-level blood of Asura, and could only increase his combat power by 20%...

Later, upgrading all the way to intermediate bloodline can increase combat power by 50%, and advanced bloodline can increase combat power by 100%...

Even the current Asura's top bloodline can directly increase its combat power by 200%...

It can only be said that it is strong to the extreme!

Once the top bloodline of Asura bursts out, theoretically the spiritual power is immortal, and the effect can be sustained...

However, the mental power required to maintain Asura's top bloodline is indeed a huge burden.

For Fang Fan, he can't support it for too long!

But this little time is enough!

Soaring combat power!

Crazy gathering!

This is the trend of invincibility!

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose silently...


Following Fang Fan's angry shout, he directly held the four-star holy sword and slew one of the intermediate quasi-sages...



The high-level quasi-sage war knife in the hands of this intermediate quasi-sage broke directly!

Fang Fan's sword power remains undiminished, and he continues to move forward!



The long sword slashed into the body of this intermediate quasi-sage, and chopped off the small half of his body at once...

Blood...cross flow!

The scene was particularly **** at one time!

Fang Fan's hands were gradually stained blood red by the splashing blood!

The scene was once terrifying!

The other mid-level quasi-sage of the Heavenly Sword Palace was instantly stunned... In any case, he would never have thought that his companion would be cold so easily...

This is an intermediate quasi saint! Beheaded by a low-level quasi-holy sword?

How strange it looks...

He hesitated for a moment, and after reacting, he began to flee frantically...

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