"Devil! Those in front are all devils!"

"Huhuhu...horrible! It's terrible! I...I dare not go any further!"

"Grass! You charge a feather! You can't get in at all, it's a death to go up!"

"Japan! Labor and management have been on the battlefield for so many years, how many tough battles have been fought to kill me here? I am not reconciled! No! I don't want to!"

"Hey... I want to go, why don't their quasi-sage powers go? Let us little ones go to die?"

"Anyway, I don't want to continue to rush forward! Who is willing to rush forward!"

"Can you please stop pushing me! There is an abyss ahead! What do you mean by pushing me in front of me? Want me to be obliterated by the attacks of those demons?"

"If you don't go to hell, who will go to hell? It's your honor to let you be your shield! I'm your captain, so dare you be unreasonable to me?"

"Fuck him! This is what makes us die! Evacuate! Evacuate!"



For the cultivators of the major forces, this kind of devil's attack has just begun...

"Sacrifice call!"

Guan Hai led a group of yellow turban peace warlocks to issue orders, and their eyes were like electricity, and the scarlet skulls rolled out from under the ground.

Just experienced a crazy battle here, these are the liveliest puppet soldiers!

Thousands of puppet soldiers gathered together, and they were all in the emperor realm and true king realm!

They launched a fearless charge, slashing the bone knives in their hands on the enemy in front of them, fearless of life and death, fearless of everything... the state is particularly fierce!

Kill, start in an instant!



"Curse: Curse the enemy in front of you, making them tired, aging, and convulsing."

"Corrosion: Corrupt the enemies in front of you, turning them into a pool of thick water."

Guan Hai led a group of yellow turban peace warlocks continued to mutter to himself, a black light instantly fell on the heads of the major power cultivators, and those cultivators who stood in the front row began to age without exception...began to sleepy... ...Began to twitch crazy...

Then...the flesh and blood on their bodies gradually began to melt, and the speed of ablation became faster and faster, gradually turning into a pool of pus...

This is not just the last straw that overwhelms the camel...

More precisely, this is the Optimus Prime that crushes them!

The crazy escape pattern has been formed!

Change to be any person, mentality will collapse.

Standing here, the body began to fall, corrupt, melt away for no reason...

Then inexplicably became a pool of blood?

This kind of invisible and strange attack made them feel a little dazed, and even more timid!

"Run! Don't hesitate! We are not facing a group of people! They are the devil!"

"Huhuhu...really...really the devil...I don't want to be with the devil!"

"Ah! I'm going crazy! Who will save me!"

"Stay here, I will become bloody..."

"I would rather be beheaded by the patriarch, than I would not be dead..."


The wave of fleeing has formed!

The defeat has been set!

This is destiny!

Shaking crazily under the play of the **** of fate!

The heads of the three major forces were also instantly stunned, because they saw this incredible method for the first time...

"What kind of ghosts are these? Can actually kill people invisible? These people... so weird!"

"These outsiders brought by this little **** of the Wild Clan are not simple!"

Xing Mie, patriarch of the Meteorite clan, frowned secretly and looked uncertain.

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