Fang Fan made a simple appointment, and then glanced around the body of the Brahma Patriarch Brahma Die and Futu Jian, the leader of the Desperate Society...

"Restrict the people under your hand, otherwise you should know that I can destroy you at any time!"

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, his eyes flashing, and the warning signal was full.

The warning should be warned.

Although the death of Brahma and the Buddha at this moment are both constrained by the Quasi-Holy War Slave Card, I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case...

In case of any slippage, Fang Fan will suffer.

The initial lineup of the Slave Corps was pulled up.

"Dividing the war slave army into elite members and ordinary members..."

"The only constant requirement of elite members must be quasi-sacred realm!"

"Ordinary members, don't make demands!"

Fang Fan smiled secretly, and after scanning like this, there were already fifty elite members of the Slave Army!

With fifty quasi-sage masters, the War Slave Corps has to some extent become the strongest legion under Fang Fan!

Of course, they are just war slaves after all!

Unless great contributions are made, this brand will remain on them!

According to Fang Fan's past will, these things in front of him will all be obliterated.

Obliterate all, get an approved holy-level card and other cards of all levels, isn't it good?

But now Fang Fan has more thoughts.

For example... if war breaks out in the future, there will be a war slave army, but it will save a lot of personal casualties.

The predecessor of the Slave Corps was the Cannon Fodder Legion... which means... recruiting cannon fodder and reducing the casualties of the regular army!

"Observe the Lord! Your subordinates must make arrangements according to your will!"

The ancestor Bai Sha lowered his head, with a flattering expression on his face.

Today is his lucky day...

The smile on Ancestor White's face has been unstoppable since the start of the recruitment of the Slave Corps.

That's great!

Now he also enjoys the feeling of being a big boss.

He is the commander of the War Slave Corps, and the two deputy commanders under his hand are both the ultimate quasi holy realm!

In addition... dozens of quasi-sacred realm experts obeyed the orders, and one hundred thousand elites could only surrender in front of him!

When I think of this, the ancestor of the white evil spirit wants to shout for fun!

It turned out to be a war slave, a cannon fodder... also feels fulfilling.

The white evil ancestor glanced silently across Fang Fan, then quickly lowered his head...

"Following such a promising master, it pretty good?"

"According to the expansion speed of the Lord, maybe it won't be long before the war slave army under my command will be able to hold one million soldiers? By then, the quasi-sages will come out frequently? The absolute quasi-sages will go everywhere?"

"I am a high-ranking quasi-sage, commanding the ultimate quasi-sage to fight, is exciting when I think of this!"

" the future...maybe there will be more sanctuary powerhouses joining..."

The ancestor of the white evil clenched his fists silently, and his eyes flickered. This excitement is hard to express in words. In short, he is very excited, excited and excited...

These feelings are rushing in my mind, and I can't stop it!

"Even if you are a cannon fodder, if you can become the most powerful cannon fodder, it will be very strong!"

The ancestor Bai Sha thought to himself, his face gradually showed a foolish smile.


At this moment, the Huang Clan chief Huang Ganjiang Fang Fan issued all the healing cards according to the registration.

And he also took out a Quasi-Holy Grade Healing Card and started using it.

The **** card given under the crown of the great wild **** has a heavy feeling to the touch.

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