"Kill all!"

"Don't keep one!"

Fang Fan yelled coldly, killing intent in his eyes!

At this time...Any kindness is a joke!

People are bullying to the face, and still hesitate?

This Haotian Pavilion still doesn't know what power it is...

Killing one is killing, killing 10,000 is also killing!

Now let the fish that slip through the net escape, if the information is revealed in advance, it will be really troublesome.

Fang Fan clenched his fists silently, and then strode into the giant warship.

The fish outside the net will naturally be solved by others, and Fang Fan does not need to spend too much energy...

Fang Fan's eyes froze the moment he entered the giant battleship.

Blood, blood everywhere... the strong smell of blood is particularly choking.

From his perspective... I can clearly see tens of thousands of people standing together in a crowd. Among the crowd, there are human cultivators whose arms and legs have been cut off everywhere...

Most of these human races are middle-aged men, and many of them are still wearing stomachs.

It seems that they should be soldiers from various human nations...

The hair color is different, the appearance is different, obviously from the various countries of the human race.

At this moment, they are a little frightened, each retreating to the corner, wanting to report to the group to get warm.

The reason why these people weren't killed is because they still have residual value for use.

For example...branded as a slave and sold out.

Or, let them go directly to various dangerous mining areas and become the humblest mining slaves, living in whips and beatings all year round.

all in all. There can be no good end.

The situation... an instant collapse!

Fang Fan took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with pain...

"My name is Fang Fan!"

"I am the Lord of the Human Emperor Hall!"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

Fang Fan sighed, the corners of his mouth began to twitch crazily...

This is the disaster of Human Race!

"Fang Fan? It's the Lord Fang Fan!"

"Really...really the Lord Fang Fan!"

"No...it should be called Palace Master Fang Fan... The Great God Fang Fan is now the Palace Master of Human Emperor..."

"Hall Master Fang Fan is the lord of my human race! The emperor of my human race!"

"Hall Master Fang Fan...you can be regarded as coming back, we...our human race was invaded by a group of people!"

"When they entered our human race, they began to wrap around and kill...It is said that our human race plane has sacred crystal veins and star crystal mineral veins..."

"The army of the human race has been defeated! We are not their opponents at all. They can slay the strongest of our kingdom with just one person!"

"Huh... the entire Terran plane... has suffered a catastrophic blow!"

"Hall Master Fang Fan's Yan Country and Human Emperor Palace... have also been attacked!"

"They come from a force called Haotian Pavilion...too strong, we are not opponents at all!"

"Hall Master Fang Fan, please, save us!"



There were waves of shouts, and Fang Fan's eyes gradually became condensed...killing...crazy!

The last thing he didn't want to see happened after all!

The situation is far worse than he thought!

The Terran plane has suffered a fatal blow!

"The whole army hurried to the human plane!"

"By the way! Apart from this battleship, is there any other battleship in the Haotian Pavilion leading the people of the human race to leave?"

Fang Fan looked at the crowd, his eyes suddenly became calm.

At this moment, this idea gradually became real.

"This... we... we don't know..."

Everyone looked at each other and lowered their heads.

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