"Hall Master!"

"I beg you..."

Zhang Xi showed a decisive look on his face, and he was obviously ready to sacrifice himself.

Fang Fan opened his mouth and sighed secretly...

How can he make him seem like a wicked person?

"When did I say that I would kill your father?"

Fang Fan stepped forward and helped Zhang Ao and Zhang Xi up.

"Deputy Hall Master Zhang Ao, you are my humeral backbone! If it weren't for you, the Human Emperor Palace would not have developed to this day..."

"Renhuangdian's resume, you are outstanding!"

"This time an alien invasion has nothing to do with you!"

"You can evacuate to the Acropolis sub-temple in time and retain your vitality to a great extent. It is already excellent!"

"The enemy coming this time... indeed is not something you can handle."

"Instead of failing, you have merit!"

"If I kill a humerus like yours, wouldn't I break my arm?"

"Human Palace, I need you!"

"I need you too!"

Fang Fan looked at Zhang Ao seriously, with a sincere expression on his face.

These words are definitely sincere words from the heart!

From all aspects, this is the true consciousness in the heart!

"Lord... I... I... Zhang Ao He De, how can..."

Zhang Ao pursed his lips, his eyes showed infinite guilt.

"May I continue to follow me and fight back! Kill the alien race! Regain the mountains and rivers?"

Fang Fan threw an olive branch towards Zhang Ao, while talking, the corners of his mouth rose silently, his sincere attitude was very real.

"May I die for the Lord!"

"Just Lord, the alien races that invaded the human race this time are really strong..."

"At this moment, the main force of these alien races is entrenched in Jiangcheng..."

"We should make plans and then move, not send troops easily..."

Zhang Ao chose a safe way, and in general, there is nothing wrong with this way.

Just from Fang Fan's perspective, he didn't want to wait any longer! Not even a moment!

"No, just kill it back this time, that's it!"

"Count the soldiers and horses! Kill them with me!"

"I want them to pay their debts!"

Fang Fan clenched his fists indifferently, killing intent in his eyes!



Jiangcheng, the Palace of the People.

"Tsk... this kind of small place, I didn't expect the buildings and constructions to be quite unique!"

"Um... I want to ask my father to grant this place to me as a territory when I look back!"

"By the way, Protector of the Northern Forest, have all the human races on this plane been cleaned up? All matters concerning the Shenjing Mine and Star Crystal Mine will be kept secret for me!"

"If anyone leaks, all staff will be killed!"

Above the throne, a coquettish young man in a red robe lay on it and said calmly.

He is the thirty-seventh son of Haotian Pavilion, Haoyu! However, it is a pity that it is not a direct line, but a collateral heir, so he is not qualified to be the heir of the pavilion master, and is not qualified to compete for the position of pavilion master...

His greatest achievement in the future is to split some planes and become the master of the planes on the side!

Originally, he just felt bored and came out to relax, but he did not expect to discover this source plane...

The so-called source plane is that after several cycles of epochs, the spiritual power of this plane gradually fades away... and then goes through an unknown number of epochs. Gradually... the accumulated energy is enough, and this plane begins again. Return to the ancestors, return to the peak!

Such source planes vary in quality, but there is no doubt that even the most trash source planes are of great value!

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