The army was defeated like a mountain.

The scene collapsed instantly, and everything fell apart in one hand!

Ten minutes later, the effect of the Celestial Apprentice's magical skill [Control War] gradually receded.

Fang Fan took a deep breath, his eyes flickering.

The thoughts at this moment are tumbling in my mind, everything is happening in a flash!

"All those with human blood on their hands will be killed!"

"Don't let one go!"

"Bayless, Luo Hui listen to orders!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Lead the Law Heavy Machine Gun Corps and the Blood Shura Legion to guard me at the entrance of the plane! From this moment on, no one is allowed to enter or leave without my order!"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, killing intent!

Anyone who deserves to be killed must be killed!

Human race is in trouble, all executioners will be slaughtered!

This is Fang Fan's will! It is the will of the entire human race!

"Don't kill me...Don't kill me...I surrender! I surrender!"

"I will give you star nuclei, many star nuclei..."

"The planes I control are for you...all for you..."

"Let me go... please let me go... I don't want to die! I really don't want to die!"

"I don't have blood on my hands! Yes! I have never killed a human race. All plans are arranged by Beilin. It has nothing to do with me. All actions here are under his command..."

"Please, let me go!"

The son of the Haotian Pavilion pavilion master, Haomei, ran around in the chase. He wanted to escape, but the chase was too strong, and he had no chance to escape.

Therefore, he chose to seek life in the opposite direction!

Instead of being beheaded in the process of fleeing, it would be better to take the initiative to confess, and perhaps save a life. Such an idea gradually formed in his heart, and Haoyu immediately stopped hesitating and rushed towards Fang Fan's position.

This is considered a self-investment?

"Boss, I personally killed him!"

Zhou Kaitian held a machete in his hand and looked murderous.

Fang Fan lowered his head slightly, then waved his hand.

"Wait, he still has a little value."

"Tell me, where have all the survivors of our human race been transported? to get them back?"

Fang Fan looked at Haoyu with indifferent eyes, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"This...this...I don't know these..."

Haoyu trembling body, thought about it carefully, then said with a bitter expression on his face.

"Then how many survivors of our human race were captured?"

Fang Fan's face sank and continued to inquire.

"This...I don't know..."

Feeling Fang Fan's gaze that is about to eat people, Hao shrank his neck silently, his face full of fear is naturally unpretentious. He also wants to cooperate well and prepares to respond to a wave of slogans of frankness, lenient resistance and strict .

But he searched his intestines and scratched his belly, and never thought of anything...

"How did you... discover the human plane! If no one whispers, you wouldn't have traveled all the way to the Solar System, right?"

Fang Fan directly picked up Hao Yu, with his fingers slightly harder, and then he could hear Hao Yu's neck meridians stretched little by little...

"This, don't you know?"

"I don't need waste!"

"I also didn't have the patience to dig a waste secret."

Fang Fan glanced indifferently, and his sluggish posture was indifferent to the extreme.

"This...I really know..."

"It's a force in your Sunshine galaxy. It wants to curry favor with us Haotian Pavilion, and wants to be promoted to the sixth rank..."

"I don't know the specific force..."

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