Bai Piao couldn't help but straighten up instantly...

Was I so good?

From now on, I will be named Bai outstanding...

"Hey... you have noticed my few advantages!"

Bai Piao said while sighing on the side, seeming to be quite melancholy.

The corner of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly, and the fish began to bait...

Touted for so long, I have to charge some interest.

"Brother Bai Piao, I always keep your advantages in mind..."

"Now my brother does want to ask you for help..."

"Of course, if Brother Bai Piao feels embarrassed, then forget it!"

"Just as I was talking nonsense before... but my admiration for Brother Bai Piao has never been reduced..."

Fang Fan exclaimed pretentiously while talking.

"Boy Fang Fan! You underestimate me for nothing! Am I the kind of person who sees gain and forgets righteousness? Am I the kind of person who knows no reward? Am I the kind of person who has no bottom line?"

"You've talked about it for this purpose, just say anything you want!"

Bai Piao waved his hand with a proud face.

Tsundere's Bai Piao has never disappeared.


"I know Brother Bai Piao can trust it!"

"Brother Bai Piao, please help me resist the attack of a golden armored general! You must hold it back! Just hold it for ten minutes. I will deal with the rest!"

Fang Fan nodded solemnly while talking.

The smile on Bai Piao's face disappeared instantly, replaced by endless panic...

What am I...

Are you kidding me?

Are you pitting me into the fire?

Brother...what do you want to do...

Bai Piao whispered his lips, his body retreated quickly...

However, Fang Fan held him back in the process of retreating.

"Brother Bai Piao, do you have the heart to let so many brothers in the Royal Palace leave here?"

"Can you really be cruel and leave? They are all your admirers! They all call you a goddess!"

As Fang Fan spoke, his eyes became more earnest, and his posture became more proud.

"Hey...Who would have thought that a generation of gods envoys... actually so untrustworthy..."

"Never mind... From now on, Renhuangdian and Brother Bai Piao will definitely have nothing to do with each other!"

"The life and death of the Palace of the Human Emperor, naturally, can't drag down Brother Bai Piao..."

As Fang Fan spoke, his various gestures were vividly displayed.

Bai Piao was instantly stunned, opened his mouth to say something, and finally stopped abruptly... It was too difficult!

Everyone is a face-seeking person...

"This divine envoy will resist one for you, just ten minutes!"

"Also, when you look back, remember to give me a place in the temple, I am a divine envoy! An upright divine envoy!"

"My heroic life, why did I meet you..."

As Bai Piao said, his face suddenly showed a cry of mourning, it was so difficult! There is nothing more sad in life than this!

The corner of Fang Fan's mouth raised silently, everything was resolved! That's great! Beautiful!

"Bai Piao brother benevolent!"

"The life and death of the Palace of Human Emperors will all be handed over to Brother Bai Piao!"

After Fang Fan finished speaking, he turned and left, dragging Bai Piao directly to the battle.

Two two-star Sanctuary Golden Armored Gods were not so easy to deal with.

Even with the assistance of Nie Yan's [Control War], Fang Fan could only fight against a two-star sanctuary **** in a short time.

As for the other one, it can only be considered from a long-term perspective. This is also the reason why Fang Fan wanted to drag Bai Piao.

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