There have been several mines and veins around the Palace of Human Emperor...

Now it has gradually begun to dig!


"Talk about the specific situation."

Fang Fan directly jumped into the air, and then asked Zhang Ao.

"Lord, this time it's the secret gold mine!"

"It was good at the beginning, but in the past two days, our mining union disappeared for no reason..."

"At first I thought it was a fall, and then I personally ordered all the miners to gather together for mining, so that they can also take care of each other. This time thousands of miners disappeared for no reason!"

"I went into it and searched it several times, but I didn't find anything..."

"This Secret Gold Mine... is too weird!"

"Lord, Zhang Ao is unfavorable, please punish him!"

With a look of guilt on Zhang Ao's face, the lord handed over important matters such as mining to him, but he had messed up!

From his perspective, he would naturally feel guilty and helpless.

"Deputy Hall Master Zhang Ao, no one wants to see such a thing happen!"

"Sometimes... it's not human resources! Don't be too guilty, wait until we see the situation clearly."

Fang Fan's eyes sank slightly, and the Human Race plane has only just recovered. These vein mines are naturally the treasures of the Human Race, and they are the powerful foundation of the Human Race. Naturally, he does not hope that there will be any accidents here.

While driving, Fang Fan learned as much as possible about the current Terran plane.

"I remember that there are three mines around the Palace of Human Emperor. How about the other mines?"

Fang Fan asked again.

"Master, the Shenjing Mine has already started mining. Although there are certain difficulties, it can be overcome, but the Star Crystal Mine cannot be mined at all! Ordinary miners have fainted directly before entering the Star Crystal Mine!"

"Even if a subordinate cultivator of the king realm enters it, it will not last long..."

"The energy intensity in it is too high and too high, and most people simply cannot bear it!"

As Zhang Ao said, his face gradually showed helplessness.

The current situation is like this, there really is a feeling of vain.

"The star core mined from the Star Crystal Mine is the natural form of the star core..."

"The energy is too high, but ordinary cultivators can't bear it but can understand it."

"It seems that we still need to recruit a group of miners with a higher level of cultivation in the future."

Fang Fan nodded, thinking to himself in his heart.

The current situation is like this, so it is natural to pay more attention.

"Master, the secret gold mine is here!"

Zhang Ao glanced at the front, then said respectfully.

The secret gold produced in the secret gold mine is the refining material for refining imperial artifacts, which is of great value. If it can be produced on a large scale, it can be used to create weapon armor for the practitioners of the imperial palace in the future.

At a glance, the entire secret gold vein stretches endlessly and is extremely majestic. Looking at it from the middle, one can see a mine that has just been excavated.

Miners enter this mine every day, then mine secret gold ore, and then transfer it out.

At the moment at the entrance of the mine, a group of miners and soldiers from the Wing Teng Corps of the Imperial Palace gathered.

"Huatian, Ao Guang, go and check around."

Fang Fan waved, the three-headed dog of **** and Xiao Jinlong Ao Guang led the way.

Although the mystery gold vein is very large, under the speed and blessing of the quasi-sacred realm battle pet, it quickly turns around.

"Lord, I didn't find anything unusual here."

The three-headed dog of **** Xiaotian took the lead to return and said.

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