Outside the Yaori galaxy, and even outside the Chentian star domain, the various mineral stars are unknown...

These mineral stars are also called resource planes. As the name suggests, they contain various resources!

If you can control these resources, the benefits you can reap will naturally be great!

But first step out!

What can happen if you blindly stay in a place like the Solar System?

At this point, Fang Fan's mouth rose silently...

It is inevitable to open up, but not now!

Now he doesn't know what happened in the Haotian Pavilion, he needs to stay to protect the human race!


A few days later, Qingtian Sanctuary, Haotian Pavilion.

Hao stumbled into the main hall, walking along the blue wisp, his eyes were dim...

Judging from the overall image, it doesn’t look like the son of the master of the Haotian Pavilion, but rather like a beggar begging along the street...

It's too difficult to rush back all the way!

Haoyu trembling lips, almost cried!

Star pirates clustered along the way, and the guards around him had long been beheaded, and he was the only one who survived by luck.

It wasn't until he set foot on the land of Qingtian Sanctuary, until he reached the boundary of Haotian Pavilion, that he was slightly relieved.

However, an accident was also discovered at this time, because no one believed his identity, he was almost taken in a pot again, and almost immediately chilled...

At this moment, touching the icy wall of the Great Hall of the Haotian Pavilion, Haoyu's heart became slightly warmer.

Seeing the awe-inspiring existence on the high seat, Hao Yun felt less disgust in her heart at this moment, and more cordial...

That is his father-Haohong, the master of the Haotian Pavilion!

Although this one has always looked down on him and even reprimanded him for a while, this is his only support at this moment!

He felt the kind of blood relationship! This time is the warmest harbor!

At this point, Haoyu couldn't help it anymore, and immediately rushed over, the speed seemed extremely fast.

"Father! Father..."


After yelling for father three times, the excitement beyond words is obvious.

Two lines of clear tears were left on Haoyu's face, and his nose followed the corners of his mouth into his mouth. This posture was no different from those bear children who were beaten outside. He wanted to find some comfort from his parents. I hope my parents will do something for themselves and avenge themselves...

Such thoughts and thoughts are too real!

Hao Yan looked at the mighty man who was about to approach the high seat. He felt that he was about to enter this warm embrace that made people feel safe...


A loud slap in the face sounded, and Hao Yu was instantly stunned...

He held his flushing cheeks, and the tears stopped abruptly.

Why is this?

He has gone through countless dangers before he escaped back. Is this now? That's how you treated him? His heart gradually became cold, his eyes gradually became gloomy, and his body gradually trembled...

The trembling and cold gesture made him mad instantly!

"Father! What are you doing!"

Haoyu stubbornly raised his head, clenched his fists, and stared at the mighty man in front of him. He was very unwilling! Why treat him like this? What he needs at the moment is comfort!



It was another slap in the face, and at the same time, it was the merciless kick of this mighty middle-aged man...

Kicked out... Hao Yu's body directly formed a parabola in the air, and then fell firmly!

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