Soulbreaking Demon Realm is opposed to Qingtian Sanctuary...

If Qingtian Sanctuary is the territory of the light camp, then Soulbreaker Demon is the territory of the dark camp.

Fight against each other and vowed not to stop!

The once-in-a-millennium battle will completely vent the grudges accumulated for thousands of years!

With the will of the gods, start a fierce battle!

"My son-in-law, this battle... I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get out!"

Chen Tianyuan, the Patriarch of the Chentian Clan, took a breath and glanced around, looking a bit cramped.

Fang Fan nodded in approval: "Our army has hundreds of millions of people, but it's just a pan of sand, and its combat power is greatly reduced... and most of them are true kings' combat power... the emperor's combat power is only a few million..."

"Compared with the troops of these Soulbreaker Demon Territories, although their number is a bit smaller, only more than 10 million, they are all the power of the Emperor Realm! And... the high-end combat power is also stronger... …"

Fang Fan muttered to himself, the corners of his mouth rose silently, his eyes became sharper...

The fighter jets will be carried out in an instant, and the army of the Palace of Human Emperor and the army of the Chentian clan are wrapped in one another. They become comrades in arms and fight each other, which can also reduce some losses.

In turbulent army operations, maintaining stability is the major prerequisite for victory.

More than 10 million elites in Broken Soul Demon Realm pierced directly like a pair of scissors, looking extremely sharp!

Although the number of troops on the bright side is large, it suddenly encountered a surprise attack, and it was more or less unsustainable...

Especially after the defeat of the army in front, it caused a chain reaction to the army behind. With the wave of defeat, the situation collapsed!

Nangong Lei, the envoy of the Temple of Light Alliance who was in the Chinese Army, was also extremely anxious at the moment.

"No retreat! No retreat!"

"Offensive! Offensive! We have a superior force! We must be able to defeat the enemy forces in Soulbreaker Demon Realm!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"The contribution points of the temple are ready! Everyone, please fight to the end!"


Nangong Lei was about to shout hoarse, screaming, gradually becoming nothingness...

The entire battlefield was a mess.

After suffering a wave of heavy losses, the light camp army maintained a certain order.

At this moment, more than 10 million elites of Soulbreaker Demon Realm formed a small team, unexpectedly carrying out raids from all directions...

Hundreds of millions of troops in the Bright camp were surrounded by more than 10 million troops in the Demon Realm of Soulbreaker!

This is really a joke!

The army of the bright camp is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, weakly enduring crazy blows again and again, but the strength of the counterattack is very small, and gradually, the army of the Soulbreaker Demon is more rampant!


"Red robe dark **** envoy, what you said is correct, these light camp troops are really vulnerable! Under the joint attack of our troops in the Demon Realm of Souls, they were defeated!"

"This time we will definitely be able to kill them all in one swoop! Killing the hundreds of millions of light camp troops... By then the red robe dark **** envoy must be a great achievement. Don't forget to promote it at that time..."

In the army of Broken Soul Demon, a middle-aged man in a gray-black robe said flatly, this kind of good opportunity to fawn is not always available... This time I can seize this opportunity, but it is really not. easy!

This one in front of you is a great figure in the dark temple! If they can flatter themselves, their power will be on the same level...

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