Fang Fan's gaze followed around, revealing some unexpected expressions in his gaze...

He didn't expect that the messenger of the Temple of the Light Alliance would be willing to stand up at this time... and it seemed that he was still on the same level as the dark camp in terms of combat effectiveness?

We need to know that after analysis, the gray-black robe powerhouse of this dark camp should be at least a five-star sanctuary...

The Temple of the Bright Alliance is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!

Fang Fan glanced at the eye-catching red robe on Nangong Lei, nodded silently.

"Huh! Who am I? It turned out to be the Red Archbishop of the Temple of Light..."

"Only you can't stop me!"

Zhagu, the deputy master of the Black Sky Demon Sect, roared and immediately fought with Nangong Lei...

Nangong Lei rushed forward calmly, and immediately began to entangle each other...

"Hall Master Fang Fan, guard the left wing! Please!"

Nangong Lei, the envoy of the Temple of the Bright Alliance, took a firm look at Fang Fan, and immediately started fighting in the air without any scruples.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, his heart condensed secretly...

"The Red Archbishop? This Nangong Thunder Envoy is the Red Archbishop of the Temple of the Light Alliance?"

Fang Fan raised his mouth and raised his head secretly...

Another purpose of his trip is to sneak into the Temple of the Light Alliance. The initial goal is to find an archbishop, and then he can get the generous rewards of the system...

His target archbishop is only the fourth-rank clergyman of the Shrine of the Bright Alliance... and the red-clothed archbishop is a higher-ranking third-rank clergyman.

Fang Fan thought to himself, this is so... isn't it the thigh? This is so special, if you hug such thighs, wouldn't it be beautiful? In the future, even if it is lurking into the Temple of the Light Alliance, anyway, there is still a way,

Fang Fan thought in his heart, and took a deep look towards the battlefield in the sky above. All kinds of thoughts rushed wildly in his mind and gradually became real.

"Master...what do you do now? Do you have to evacuate the entire army?"

Galen killed him from a distance, wiped blood from his face and asked.

Fang Fan shook his head silently...

"The strong man in the dark camp has been intercepted by the Nangong Thunder Envoy, and the remaining rotten fish and shrimps... all cleaned up!"

"Pay attention to sweeping the battlefield, collecting cards and star cores!"

Fang Fan snorted to himself, and the battle... was started again.

The battle on the left side of the battlefield never ended from beginning to end, coming again and again, repelling again and again, and fighting to the end again and again!

This idea was tumbling in my mind and gradually became real.

The left end of the battlefield has almost been angry, and the battle has been launched...

After wave after wave, within half an hour, the three million elites of the dark camp on the left side of the battlefield had already damaged millions! Of course, Fang Fan’s Human Emperor Corps and the War Slave Corps were naturally injured, but...most of them were just wounded, and few died in the war...

At the beginning of the battle, Fang Fan had given them all-round healing cards and supply cards of corresponding levels.

The healing card instantly heals the injury, as long as it is not killed instantly, it can be recovered!

The replenishment card replenishes physical strength and energy to maintain high-intensity continuous combat!

Coupled with the full-scale attacks of several flying warships and elite soldiers, the results are gradually expanding...

In such a dense battlefield, the soldiers of the Law Heavy Machine Gun Corps do not need to deliberately aim at all. As many bullets fired can damage and kill as many enemies.

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