Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 1637: Arrive in the Holy City of Light

"The location of the Shrine of the Bright Alliance is actually on the edge of Qingtian Sanctuary..."

"And the Dark Temple is also at the edge of Soulbreaking Demon Realm, so to some extent, the distance between the two is also the closest!"

"Once the battle of Gods is activated, it is basically an attack between the Temple of Light Alliance and the Temple of Darkness..."

"Every eruption of a battle of God is bound to be mixed with all kinds of dangerous situations... the situation is not optimistic!"

"My son-in-law, don't be careless!"

Chen Tianyuan, the Patriarch of the Chentian Clan, said with a stern expression.

Obviously, he knew more and more comprehensive information, and he could see that he had done some homework before.

Fang Fan nodded silently, didn't say much, just fell into silence...

What he is thinking about now is how to enter the Shrine of the Light Alliance and obtain a certain high-level priest...

He needs to accumulate a batch of God's source power as soon as possible!

"Everyone is silent!"

"The Temple of the Bright Alliance is here!"

"According to my previous promise to you, the cultivators of the dark camp that you killed in the process of coming can receive contribution points with their heads!"

"Before you came, you never issued a bright contribution order, so you can't record the contribution points, you can only calculate it in this way!"

"After you receive the Guangming Contribution Order, there won't be so much trouble!"

"Okay, let's not say the extra words! You follow the queue and send a few representatives from each force!"

Red Archbishop Nangong Lei of the Temple of the Bright Alliance shouted, and everyone looked sideways.

Nangong Lei had reminded him of the exchange of heads for contribution points, which is understandable.

Fang Fan is mainly curious about the price of the heads he collected...

After a preliminary count, there are 1.7 million dark camp imperial realm cultivator heads and more than one hundred quasi-sacred realm heads...

In addition, there are three one-star sanctuary, one two-star sanctuary and one four-star sanctuary...

This is all the gains of the Human Palace!

Although the Chentian clan who fought in coordination with the Human Emperor Palace had less harvest, they still had millions of emperor realm heads...

The major forces lined up in a long line in an orderly manner. Fang Fan and the others were a little slower, and they were already at the end.

Standing in front of the Shrine of the Bright Alliance, there was quite a feeling of vastness.

The Temple of Light Alliance is located on the edge of Qingtian Sanctuary, in the Holy City of Light!

The location is in the middle of the sacred city of Guangming. A glance at the past, the various halls are unknown, and the halls are towering into the clouds, which are particularly spectacular.

The Holy City of Light is the core of the entire Qingtian Sanctuary, and the Temple of the Light Alliance is the core of the entire Holy City of Light.

Of course, this core does not refer to position, but rather to its status, its overall strength and flow of people.

Now that the battle between the light camp and the dark camp is imminent, the Temple of the Light Alliance is even more lively!

"According to the task requirements of the dog system... If you want to complete the ultimate goal of the [Latent] task, you must become the ultimate boss of the Temple of the Light Alliance... that is, become the pope of the Temple of the Light Alliance, and become the master here..."

Fang Fan thought to himself, his eyes flickered...

Before, I didn't care about this kind of task, but now... Fang Fan is full of motivation!

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