Hao Zhan gathered all his strength on his fist, and then slammed down on the ground fiercely, his face had already become extremely distorted...

This kind of anger from the heart has been very real by him!

It's this feeling, this attitude, all of this... is the most real!

"Haotian Pavilion battles, persist in the pool of faith for seven hours and fifty-nine minutes, and evaluate the seven levels of faith!"

The relevant clergy of the Temple of Faith immediately reported again.

"Brother, let me help you up."

Hao Yu looked at Hao Zhan who fell in a pool of blood, and sighed slightly.

The Hao Zhan at this moment is like a dead body, a pair of pupils numbly looked towards the position of the pond of faith, there is hatred or dare to be more jealous!

That should belong to his glory, now everything is gone!

"He's fast too, he can hold on for a few more minutes at most... He is no better than me... I... I'm just in a bad condition and couldn't stick to it... Huh... I'll be in good condition next time , I can, I can defeat him! I can crush him!"

The corner of Haoyu's mouth twitched, and his expression twisted, and the blue veins on his forehead also violently violently. His jealousy had already made his face completely blank.

"Brother, let go..."

"Hall Master Fang Fan is really a very miraculous existence. Don't think about being an enemy with him. You will always suffer in this way!"

"Try to be friends with him, you will not regret it in the future!"

"This is the experience I have summed up from several dangerous situations, third brother, you should believe me!"

Hao Wei wriggled his lips, his face showed a solemn expression, these are the most sincere words from his heart, and most people are not willing to say it.


"Counsel! Rubbish!"

"Why did my Haotian Pavilion make you such a trash?"

"I know that I will raise the ambition of others and destroy my own prestige!"

"I'm just a little bit close, otherwise I will be an eighth-level belief. As for that Fang Fan, he was lucky enough to pick up an eighth-level belief... Damn it!"

Hao Zhan's eyes suddenly protruded, as he said, his pupils were full of killing intent.

Haoyu let go of his hands calmly, and then strode away.


Hao Zhan fell to the ground without a firm footing.

"Asshole! What are you doing! Do you dare to do this to me?"

Hao Zhan, who fell to the ground, gritted his teeth, then let out a roar, his eyes boiled with murderous desire!

"You made me go."

"I am not your subordinate, let alone your servant. You are not qualified to instruct me."

Haoyu smiled indifferently, and then walked further and further.

The face of Hao Zhan who fell to the ground looked even more distorted...

"It's all **** bastards!"

"Sooner or later, I will get back all the profits!"

Hao Zhan's gaze scanned the surrounding area, and then he saw Duanmuding wearing a purple robe and Nangong Lei wearing a red robe.

One of these two is the acting cardinal of the temple, and the other is the archbishop in red, both of whom have extraordinary status, so they naturally want to cheer up at the moment.

Hao Zhan thought in his heart, and then stood up tremblingly, and then staggered towards the position of Duanmuding and Nangonglei.

"Master Duanmu, Master Nangong... In the Haotian Pavilion, the son of the pavilion master, Hao Zhan, I hope that the two adults will be able to advise more... I am willing to..."

"Go! You are blocking the bishop's sight!"

Hao Zhan didn't finish saying a word, and there was a roar, which came from Duanmu Ding.

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