Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 1683: Sacrifice the ego, win the big ego

Although Nangong Lei guessed that Fang Fan would choose this way, he was still somewhat worried.

When you first enter the temple, if you can stay in the temple for a hundred years, it won't be too late to go out and wander after you are familiar with everything.

It was just as soon as he was granted the position of God, and he was pulled out, which still seemed a little urgent.

"I won't hide it from you. When the battle of Gods broke out, the survival rate of the clergy assigned to the major temple legions did not exceed 50%..."

"In other words, if you make such a decision at this moment, there is a high probability that you will die..."

"You are a believer in God, the pride and pillar of the Shrine of the Bright Alliance! I think you still have to think about it, and it's not too late to choose this way when your wings are stronger..."

Dong Guo Shengzhe hesitated for a moment, and then let out a sigh.

From his point of view, I still hope that Fang Fan can think about it... all the situations involved here seem quite complicated.

"Master Saint, I have already thought about it. For the victory of God's War, I am willing to do my best and die!"

"As long as the battle of God can win, even if I die, what's the matter?"

"Sacrifice the ego, win the big ego!"

Fang Fan held his head high, his posture was bold, and he had said everything, and he also said what he should say.

In terms of acting, Fang Fan has never lost!

Anyway, I have already decided to become a military post. Before that, it would be very good to be sensational and to increase the favorability of several bigwigs.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Dongguo Shengzhe said three times in succession, his eyes full of earnestness, and as he said, the amplitude of his nod increased.

"There is a young handsome man like you in my Temple of the Light Alliance, why can't you be invincible?"

"If all the clergy of my Bright Alliance Temple can go to justice as generously as you, and give up their lives, I am afraid that the battle of God will be over as soon as it starts!"

"God believers are really extraordinary!"

Dong Guo Shengzhe nodded one after another, the excitement on his face was beyond words, and this feeling became more and more real.

Fang Fan smiled implicitly, he knew that his layout worked.

"Duanmuding, in the major legions of the temple, where are there any vacancies for supervisory envoys?"

"Find me a vacancy for the Bronze Legion's inspector!"

Dong Guo Shengzhe said immediately.

"Bronze rank legion? Lord Sage, the bronze rank legion is a second rank legion. According to normal circumstances, it needs the deputy fourth rank acting archbishop to be qualified to serve as the supervisory officer... this... not... not suitable, right? ..."

Duanmuding gritted his teeth, his face could not help showing jealousy.

Lord Saint is so kind to this guy! He has just been awarded the priesthood as a five-rank bishop, and now he has a low priesthood and high distribution, and he is directly assigned to the second-level bronze legion. Is this really appropriate?


"Are you questioning my decision?"

Sage Dongguo squinted his eyes secretly, and stared at Duanmuding again, appearing very dissatisfied.

This guy disobeyed himself one after another, which was really noisy.

"No...I dare...Of course I don't dare..."

"East Guo Sage is wise..."

"At present, among the major Bronze Legions, it seems that only the 308th Bronze Legion under the Third Silver Legion of the Blue Dragon Gold Legion lacks a supervisor. In the previous battle, the supervisor of this Bronze Legion returned. The embrace of the true god!"

Duan Muding immediately said that under the intimidation of Dongguo Saint, he could only choose to yield.

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