Walking in the crowd, screams followed, and Fang Fan's eyes gradually became sharp and exciting...

Through these small talks, he was able to figure out part of the situation.

The situation of the 308 Bronze Legion that he is about to take office!

In the Temple of the Bright Alliance, in addition to the related clergy, there are also several legions...

Among them, the specific division is the five gold-level legions, namely the Guangming, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu Legions!

Under the Gold rank legion, there are also Silver, Bronze and Dark Iron rank legions!

The Dark Iron Legion, also known as the First Legion, is the lowest level legion, with a staff of 100,000! Dominate ten battle groups!

The Bronze Legion is also known as the Second Legion. It has millions of people and governs ten Black Iron Legions!

The Silver-level Legion is also called the Third-level Legion. It has tens of millions of people and governs ten bronze legions!

The Gold Legion is currently the highest-level legion in the Temple of the Light Alliance. It is also called the fourth-level legion or the top legion. It governs 100 million people and governs ten silver legions...

In these five golden-level legions, all the soldiers are basically in the emperor realm, and they are all elite!

These five legions are also an absolute elite combination of the Bright Alliance Legions!

The Light Alliance Legion can order several forces in the Light Camp, relying on more than just belief in the Gods of Light and various nonsensical flicks.

If the barrel of the Temple of the Light Alliance was not strong enough, it would have been overthrown long ago.

"Little friend Fang Fan, you...you are too reckless!"

"It's understandable that you choose the military position, but at least you have to choose a better legion to station in!"

"Also, Lord Saint has already promised you the position of a Bronze Legion Supervisor, you... why are you so uncomfortable!"

Nangong Lei said to the side, quite a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

"Archbishop Nangong, do you really think that sage-sama is optimistic about me?"

"At that time, the Lord Saint was already bored..."

"If I continue to be ignorant of admiration, maybe that impression is gone, and I will eventually go to the 308 Bronze Legion of the Azure Dragon Legion."

"Instead of this, it would be better for me to file a complaint on my own. Anyway, I can save each other some face."

Fang Fan said softly, his eyes became more earnest, and he naturally understood this.

Nangong Lei was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly recalled, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

According to what he had just recalled, this was indeed the case.

"Huh...it's my point of view..."

"Little friend Fang Fan, your observation and keenness are beyond what anyone can do!"

"But this time I went to the 308th Bronze Legion of the Azure Dragon Legion as a supervisor, so be careful!"

"Now that the war of gods has completely broken out, staying in such a legion is very likely to happen, so don't be negligent!"

Nangong Leige said earnestly.

After saying this, Nangong Lei's gaze scanned the surrounding area. When he saw Duanmuding, his gaze sank slightly: "This time I completely offend this Duanmuding. You must be careful when that happens. Behind the scenes! Let me know if you encounter a situation."

Nangong Lei carefully exhorted.

Fang Fan nodded secretly, still quite grateful.

He has been with Nangong Lei for a short time, but Nangong Lei's help to him is indeed sincere.

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