Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 1723: I can kill the dark pope with one sword

"Servant God, share power!"

Fang Fan gave a secret cry and directly tuned the power of one of the servant gods, Jax...

The hero Jax at this moment is also a one-star sanctuary realm, plus the one-star sanctuary realm of Shangfan himself, at this moment, he has completely raised his combat power to the peak of the one-star sanctuary...

Coupled with holding a four-star holy sword, you will never move forward!

And the one-star sanctuary black iron rank commander of the dark temple opposite is still arrogant and defiant...

This is the best target!

When Fang Fan's cultivation base and combat power skyrocketed, the one-star sanctuary black iron rank leader of this dark temple gradually woke up, but at this moment, it was already too late.

"No... not like this..."

"How could... how could suddenly become so strong..."

"You...what kind of blindfold did you use!"

The one-star sanctuary black iron rank leader of this dark temple trembled his lips, his eyes became more and more horrified as he spoke...

At this moment, Fang Fan’s sword has arrived...




The Four-Star Sacred Sword broke through his defenses, then broke his sanctuary shield, and then pierced into his heart and lungs, completely ending his life, all operations seemed so easy and free...


"You...you cheat..."

"I...I am not reconciled...not reconciled..."

The one-star sanctuary black iron rank leader of this dark temple exhausted the last trace of his strength before uttering this sentence.

Fang Fan curled his lips, feeling that there were two more Saint-level cards and several star cores in the storage ring, and the smile on his face increased.

These are all treasures...

"Dark Temple, no one can fight me!"


"The dark temple that ended, is vulnerable!"

"Even if the Pope of the Dark Temple comes here, I can kill with one sword!"

Fang Fan held his head up, looking at the sky from a forty-five degree position, not to mention other things, at least forcing the grid to be established, so as to pull the hatred.

In order to be able to pull the hatred, Fang Fan even pulled out the Pope from the Dark Temple.

If a sane person sees Fang Fan's behavior, he will only silently mutter: Sand Sculpture...Then it is easy to see that this is the most inferior radical method.

But under the rendering of this kind of atmosphere at this moment, the authenticity has increased hundreds of times and thousands of times!

"Damn it!"


"Who wants to go up and kill him and make a name for my dark temple! Make a name for my 203 Bronze Legion!"

Du Hang of the Dark Temple 203 Bronze Legion Legion made a violent sound, yelling, almost staring out of his eyes.

Enough shame has been suffered today!

Just now everyone looked like they were filled with indignation, but at this moment someone needs to fight. The sanctuary powerhouses of the 203 Bronze Legion of the Dark Temple began to pretend to be stupid...

These black iron rank commanders think that their cultivation and combat effectiveness are similar to the black iron rank commander who was beheaded by Fang Fan before...

Rushing up now, isn't it seeking a dead end and embarrassing yourself?

The gaze of the middle-aged man with golden armor scanned the surroundings, seeing these warlords under his command with a solemn appearance, and suddenly he was not angry!

Of course, he also knows that sending them up there is a high probability that they will all end on the street, there is no doubt about this!

In his opinion, Fang Fan is also the peak combat power of the one-star sanctuary, and he has not yet been promoted to the two-star sanctuary.

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