1.5 seconds of control time passed quietly...

Du Hang, commander of the 203rd Bronze Legion of the Dark Temple, which was originally alive and lively, has fallen into a state of death...

"Do not……"

"No... impossible..."


Du Hang, commander of the 203rd Bronze Legion of the Dark Temple, exhausted all his strength and said something like this. Then his body fell like a kite with a broken line, and the speed of the fall became faster...

"Dead...Dead...Bronze Legion Commander is dead!"

"The enemy... knows magic arts! They know magic arts! They can make the bronze legion master unable to move..."

"Hi...they are demons...the incarnation of demons!"

"Bronze Legion Commander is a three-star sanctuary, how can it be..."

"What should we do... Master Du Hang is dead, shall we continue to fight?"

"I... I don't know..."

"How come our chief doesn't speak... Give orders!"

"I'm going... the enemy's attack... even more fierce..."

"Withdraw...can't stand it anymore, let's hit a hammer..."

"The commander of the legion is dead, even if this war has won an unprecedented victory, what is the point? Nothing at all? It is worthless! Evacuate at full speed!"

"Go... Let's go together..."

Morale is illusory, invisible and intangible, but it is a real thing.

When Du Hang, the commander of the 203rd Bronze Legion of the Dark Temple, was still there, his golden armor was a clear symbol. It could bring some sense of faith and excitement to the soldiers of the subordinate legion, and then they could go more bravely. fighting! Go and launch an attack urgently!

But when Du Hang, the commander of the 203rd Bronze Legion of the Dark Temple, is completely cold, what awaits them will be fear and horror, step by step backward, feeling death step by step, and feeling deeply disturbed step by step. Completely broke out in the suffering, completely boiling! Completely lose the idea of ​​fighting!

"No escape!"

"All are not allowed to escape!"

"This inspector is still here!"

"You dare to escape! I want to send you all to the judgment house of the temple!"

"Damn! Attack me! Attack me!"

"The Bronze Legion Commander is dead, and my bronze inspector is still there!"

"Kill! Kill me!"

"The dark gods are staring at you at the end of the heavens! Do you want your soul to hell?"

"Warriors of the Dark Temple! Fight with me to the end!"

"We are fighting for the dark gods, and we are supremely honored!"

On the three-star sanctuary-class flying battleship, the monitor of the 203rd Bronze Legion of the Dark Temple made roars in an attempt to restore this scene of defeat.

Of course, it is not without effect. Those dark believers who have faith in the dark gods have stayed behind and are still holding on...

However, the degree of faith required for this is somewhat high, and there are no soldiers with this high degree of faith...

Waiting for them, only **** butcher knife and killing.

"Encircle this flagship!"

"Follow me into this flagship ship and kill!"

"I want to seize this flagship!"

Fang Fan drove the Gods and Demons battleship directly towards the direction of the three-star sanctuary class flying battleship in the Dark Temple...

A three-star sanctuary-class flying battleship, Fang Fan is also very greedy!

To win it, in a sense, is equivalent to one more three-star sanctuary combat power under his command!

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