
Bang bang bang...

The sound of crashing and weapon crashing was endless, and Mocasse's roar was very real to a certain extent.

"It is at this moment!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, thoughts tumbling in his mind, and then gently exhaled a mouthful of muddy air, his thoughts gradually boiled...

"Silver armor puppet!"


Fang Fan took a breath and gave the order in a cold voice.

At this time, there is no room for accidents... everything is developing in the direction of excitement...

Whoosh whoosh...

The silver-armored puppet descended from a high altitude and fell straight down in a parabolic posture, faster and faster, faster and faster... Seeing that it was about to directly attack the five-star sanctuary strong Mokassi in the dark camp...

Mokashi, the five-star sanctuary powerhouse of the dark camp who was really fighting with Bai Piao, felt something wrong at this moment. He turned his head silently, as if he wanted to take a closer look at what happened, but after a glance, he was ignorant. ...


"This is impossible!"

"Five-star sanctuary... how could there be a five-star sanctuary here..."

"This silver armor... has been lying in wait?"

The Acting Cardinal of the Dark Temple, the Dark God, made Mokassi swallow a spit, and the panic in his eyes was extremely real.

With his roar, the tip of the silver armor puppet's spear was getting closer and closer...


Mokassi was stunned for a moment, and immediately wanted to hide directly. He knew that he had been stabbed in this way, so even if he was really cold...

The same is a five-star sanctuary, but now he is in a passive state. At this moment, he can only choose to escape and wait until he is prepared before continuing to fight back. This is a high-quality choice...

Mokassi took a breath, and such thoughts throbbed in his mind, gradually becoming more intense...

Just as he was about to pull away and leave, he found that his body seemed very stiff...

"You...what are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

"let me go!"

"Damn! What a lunatic! I let you go! Let go!"

Mokassi stared at Bai Piao. At this moment, Bai Piao was holding his waist tightly, and he was still vomiting blood in his mouth. It seemed that he was trying to trap him here, and the scene was particularly frightening...

"Grass! Just left after beating labor and capital for so long? Did labor and capital get beaten for nothing?"

"Fuck you, this **** envoy is very vengeful! Today I will crush you!"

"Boy Fang Fan, this time you owe me a great favor!"

Bai Piao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling the cold sweat on his forehead, the state at this moment has completely collapsed...

The tone of speech all followed hastily...

Although he is very resistant to fights, it does not mean that he has always been an incorruptible body of King Kong!

What he is fighting against is a five-star sanctuary powerhouse...

It was already an accident to be able to hold it for so long without being beaten to death.

"Madman...what a madman..."

"Go to hell!"

"You want to die! Don't drag me!"

"Get out! Get out of me!"

Mokassi was really a little panicked at the moment, yelling, and then began to attack Bai Piao desperately. Bai Piao vomited more blood every time, but his face was firmer than ever...

Silver armor puppet, here...

A bit of cold light came first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!

Under Fang Fan's command and control, the silver-clad puppet pierced Mokassi's back viciously...

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