When you do a play, you have to make a full set. In this regard, you must not make a moth...

Don't believe it or not, it's okay to flicker a wave first, just to show this unruly and natural posture.

"Dark Lord?"

"No... my belief... is there really something wrong with my belief?"

"My belief in the Lord of Darkness has never changed..."

"I was wrong...I shouldn't...I shouldn't be greedy and lust...I shouldn't force the goddesses in the temple..."

"I repent... I shouldn't be greedy for ink... I was really wrong..."

"I shouldn't curse the pope secretly...I shouldn't be dissatisfied with the dark gods..."

The Deputy Second Grade Acting Cardinal of the Dark Temple, the Dark God Envoy Mokassi burst into tears, and said all of his things in one mind.

At this moment, it was like being in a hypnotized state, what to say, the whole person seemed a little dull...

Fang Fan took a breath and swallowed secretly...the opportunity is here!

This state will not last long!

Fang Fan beckoned secretly... the five-star sanctuary silver armor puppet has already rushed from the side...

This time a bit of cold light aimed directly at Mocassi's head...

"No... fraud! It's all fake..."


Before Mocassi could fully react, the silver-clad puppet's spear had penetrated his mind, and there was a big explosion...

Mokassi's head exploded directly in the air, and the brain plasma and blood were glued together, making it extremely muddy.

The eyeballs that burst out were floating in the air, seeming to be particularly unwilling, but helpless, they could only drift with the wind in the end...

Fang Fan gasped secretly...It's just over...

"Silver armor puppet, come back..."

Fang Fan waved his hand, when his mind was relaxing, suddenly the world faded...

"Boy Fang Fan, his body is still moving after losing his head..."

"He transplanted his eyeballs and facial features to his chest..."

"This is not the power of mortals..."

Bai Piao walked over while bleeding, with a serious expression on his face...

Fang Fan looked at Mocassi's dress at the moment, still more or less seeming a little confused...

Without your head, can you maintain signs of life? Can you use your chest as your own mouth, ears and glasses?

Why is it so weird?

"I will never die! I will never die!"

"Great God of Darkness! I am willing to sacrifice all of me! Please give me the strength to kill this heretic in front of me!"

Mocasse's headless body suddenly jumped, and at the same time a black mist in the sky gathered directly beside Mocassi...

"He sacrificed himself to the dark evil god..."

"The Dark Cthulhu accepted his sacrifice... it's over... the power of the Dark Cthulhu is coming..."

"Fang Fan boy, run away... run away..."

"This time I really can't stop it!"

"That's God! It's the will of the true God..."

Bai Piao gritted his teeth, his body trembled unnaturally, and while talking, the sound of inhaling cold air seemed particularly real.

It is no longer useful to say one thousand words and ten thousand at this time, things have happened, the situation has begun to collapse...

Bai Piao grabbed Fang Fan's arm, and was about to flee directly...

"I can't go!"

Fang Fan silently narrowed his eyes and said firmly!

His family is here!

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