The generals and soldiers who guarded the Duke Haig hesitated...

If Duke Haig can destroy Queen Natasha and directly overthrow Queen Natasha, then they will naturally follow the wind to support and respond.

But now everything is unknown!

Not only is it unknown, but it seems that the balance has even been deflected toward the Queen's side!

At this moment, do you still have to walk to the dark?

"Any soldier of the Chiyou Kingdom! As long as you don't follow the traitor Duke Haig with all your heart, you can take it lightly!"

"This queen, only kill the first evil!"

"This queen, swear here!"

"Anyone who revolts on the battlefield and sets up a war medal will be awarded another reward!"

"Anyone who insists on following the traitor Duke Haig, who insists on not understanding, will be killed!"

Queen Natasha took the opportunity to say something, and drew a wave of vacillating wall soldiers.

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Queen Natasha, and smiled to himself...

The queen is the queen, this reaction ability is pretty good.

The rebel soldiers who had been shaken before, heard Queen Natasha's assurance at this moment, and many of them immediately started to slip away.

"His Royal Highness has already done her favor! Let's go, don't fight!"

"After all, the Chi You Kingdom belongs to Her Royal Highness. This Duke Haig knows that it is not a good thing. He is not an aboriginal in my Chi You Palace after all! Don't forget, he was also a foreigner before!"

"Yes! Support Her Royal Highness! Support the Queen!"

"War war war!"

The lineup collapsed instantly...

Duke Haig hiding in the middle became more and more difficult to look.

How did his careful planning become like this.

This **** Fang Fan is to be blamed for everything!

It was this guy who suddenly got into trouble and disrupted his previous deployment!

It also gave Queen Natasha a chance to breathe!

Otherwise, now he has completely controlled the entire palace, and then sat on the throne and hugged Queen Natasha playing around!

At the thought of this, Duke Haig's face became more and more gloomy!

"Those who follow me prosper against me and die!"

"Anyone who escapes will be killed without mercy!"

"Where is this Duke's personal soldiers! Executing military laws!"


"This Duke has an army of 200,000 outside the palace and can come in at any time! What are you fighting against this Duke!"

"Stabilize the battle for me! Unlimited rewards in the future!"

The Duke of Haig carried his sword in his arms and killed indiscriminately, and began to use violence to control the military's mind...

The chaos just now opened a gap in the surrounding area...

On the battlefield of lore, a gap often determines the victory or defeat of a battle!


The Heaven Slashing Sword in Fang Fan's hand was spinning crazily in his hand, and all the soldiers within ten meters of him were strangled into meat sauce...

Fang Fan approached Duke Haig!

Capture the enemy first!

Fang Fan’s eyes flickered sharply, and he cut it down with a sword...

"Damn it!"

"Fang Fan! Do you really think that this Duke is so weak?"

"Since you have to come to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Duke Haig suddenly exploded in combat power! Fang Fan squinted his eyes, with an unexpected look on his face...

"In the beginning it was nothing more than an absolute low-level quasi-jihad power..."

"But now it has suddenly risen to a high-level quasi-jihad power..."

"This improvement is a bit big..."

"In terms of combat power alone, it is already stronger than Queen Natasha in the previous explosive state. At that time, Queen Natasha could only display intermediate quasi-jihad power..."

Fang Fan's thoughts turned, and he looked particularly curious.

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