Zhengyi Shenzong's third peak goddess Fu Xuewei glanced at the chubby body of King Chilian of the Akabane Kingdom, her eyes full of resentment and anger...

Drop her the chain at a critical time! What kind of heart is it?

The point is... do you still have a chance to escape at this moment?

Huangfuxue squinted her eyes secretly, her eyes full of killing intent...

"King Chilian, you want to withdraw now, there really is no such opportunity!"

"Don't say that we Zhengyi Shenzong does not agree! I am afraid that even the other two kings will never allow you to withdraw halfway!"

"I advise you to put away your unrealistic ideas, otherwise today will be the day when the Akabane Kingdom falls, and you are the king of the Akabane Kingdom!"

Huangfu Xuewei’s threatening voice made the complexion of King Chilian of the Akabane Kingdom more difficult to look...

Bastard! How dare to intimidate him so much!

"The army of Akabane Kingdom obeys! Guard this king! Evacuate the battlefield!"

"If you dare to block anyone, kill without mercy!"

The king of the Akabane Kingdom Chilian gave an order, his complexion became gloomy for a while, and his eyes flickered with murderous intent while talking.

He waved his hand and ran directly towards the rear.

"Want to escape! Don't think about it!"

"Where to go!"

Zhengyi Shenzong Goddess Fuxue screamed coldly, and immediately rushed over her body, obviously still wanting to directly punish the Akabane Kingdom King Chilian!

"Bitch! Actually dare to do something to this king! Sure enough, from the beginning, you are uneasy and kind! If you don't give you a lesson today, you will be the king!"

"Catch her to me, this king will enjoy tonight!"

The King of Akabane Kingdom Chilian squinted his eyes, and while talking, he couldn't help showing a greedy look on his face, and felt an evil fire in his heart inexplicably.

It's been a long time since I've tasted the beauty of this level of beauty... and it's like a little chili, and it feels especially good when you look at it.

Following the order of the King Chilian, the 200,000 army of the Akabane Kingdom instantly withdrew from the frontline battlefield, and went directly towards the besieged Empress Fu Xuewei, the third peak of Zhengyi Shenzong...

Seeing the changing situation, Huangfu Xuewei's face became more and more difficult to look.

House seemingly endless rain……

Originally, the attack on King Chi You didn't go well, but now he was in chaos first.

"Where are the cultivators of Zhengyi Shenzong! Help Huangfu Goddess!"

"These indigenous soldiers are crazy, they actually did it to us..."

"Kill! Kill them all!"

"Damn... don't bear it! Kill them all!"

"Kill! Kill without mercy!"

"Kill Endless!"

The sound of killing is endless, and the desire to kill is extremely strong!

Everyone's eyes are focused on this, and the feelings are especially profound!

The tens of thousands of practitioners from the Zhengyi Shenzong and its affiliated forces collided directly with the 200,000 troops of the Akabane Kingdom, and a hearty fight was launched directly in front of King Chiyou!

The scene once seemed vast!

Because the scale of the civil war gradually expanded, it soon affected the armies and practitioners of the other two kingdoms as well as the Temple of the Light Alliance and the Temple of Darkness...

The practitioners of the other two kingdoms, the Temple of Light Alliance and the Temple of Darkness wanted to conquer King Chiyou with all their strength, but the army and practitioners of Zhengyi Shenzong and Akabane Kingdom were in the middle, they could only attack from both sides... …

The scene once seemed confusing and complicated!

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