One after another shouts came, their expressions looked extremely frightened, and when they spoke, their expressions couldn't help but look strange...

What I want to say at the moment... It doesn't matter anymore... Only a faint sense of panic reverberates in my mind, and then... it breaks out completely!

The patter of black rain descended from the sky, thoroughly soaking the world...

The world under the black sky is always so frightening and not settled...

They shook hands, put their hands on the front, and their bodies shuddered unnaturally...

The black rain has fallen!

The black raindrops fell on the top of the head and then penetrated directly, entering from the top of the head, and out from the bottom of the feet. A raindrop-sized puncture hole appeared in this person's body...

The speed of the black rain falling faster and faster, the raindrop wounds on their heads increased more and more...

At first it was like ring scars, dotted on the left and right, until finally there was that kind of scary small gap on the whole head...

People with dense phobias imagine it for a moment, and suddenly feel the scalp numb.


"This ... this is what the **** ... woo ... ooo, ooo ...... on my head, on my arm, my chest, all this is a small hole ......"

"I...Where did all the flesh and blood on my body go?"

"I...I can't do it...I'm so uncomfortable! Who will save me! Save me!"


"Ah... it's over... it's all over... it's all over... it's over!"

"I don't want to die... I really don't want to die... Who can help me... Please, help me..."

"Ah...what are these white things in my body, can I still this a worm? It's disgusting..."

There were endless screams of horror. At this moment, it was like being completely frightened. Now the sound of horror is endless, and it has been able to show the fear and anxiety in my heart...

The black rain landed on these dark temple cultivators, making them appear a lot of cavities, densely packed, not terrifying!

Immediately in these cavities, tiny white worms gradually emerged...

These worms began to frantically **** the flesh and blood of these dark temple practitioners, and the bodies of these little worms gradually grew larger and gradually split.

Repeatedly, the scene once looked terrifying!

If this trend continues, everything will fall apart...

The unknown is the most terrifying.

In awe of the unknown, everyone began to report to each other to warm up...withdraw from each other, without the will to fight.

The black rain is still lingering, and as for them, they have already been scared out of their courage...

Seeing that more and more practitioners in the dark temple flee... the **** son of the dark temple Heitian smashed out with a punch!


"Bring me that King Cassius when retreating!"

"If anyone abandons him, this **** son will never die with him!"

This is the last stubbornness of this dark temple **** son Hei Tian.

At the beginning, it was also required to be able to win in battle and completely obliterate Fang Fan.

The requirement afterwards is to drop again...

Until now, retreat is not impossible, but you have to bring Cassius...


"Master... I tried my best."

Vega took a deep breath, then wiped a handful of drops of sweat from his forehead, looking extremely labored.

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